I'm no god!

When we got to the village,everyone stared, some were frightened, some amazed, it was a fascinating sight to behold.

"Cho Hee" Hye called out, she seem excited for some reason

(This seems to happen often now).

She reached out her hands and dragged me to a setting direction.

A conversation seemed to be going on at the village square, the villagers were all gathered around waiting.

Was the gathering for me, I guess they heard what happened at forest, I won't be mad if they didn't feel safe around me; I wouldn't feel safe around me after what they saw, after the whole drama and blood, I guess I should brace myself for the worst.

They murmured something among themselves as though to decided what they should do with me (The were staring really aggressively at me) but Hye kept smiled at me holding me closely to herself.

An hour past and finally the meeting came to an end, one of the elders walked up to me saying something.

" Who are you really, a god or a woman?".

I stared unsure what she was saying (This people seriously need to realize I do not speak their language for crying out loud) I had know idea what my answer should be, I know she said something but all I could do is nod an stare intensely.

Shit I really need to learn their language if am to going live with them....

"Cho Hee" Hye called

She demonstrated something to me, it felt as though she got stunned by a bee or was it just the way she move?, I wonder!

One of the elders walked up to me and ambraced me, it felt warm as she draw me close to her arms, her smile was bright and welcoming: wait!, does this mean I get to stay, ain't they afraid of me anymore .

I guess I was wrong when I said they weren't afraid of me anymore,one of the men looked up at me an spat near my foot; thank God my mama gave birth to me tall and out of the reach of problem (he wasn't tall at all!).

Within days people came to me to solve their problems: fending off naciance, helping kids who got bullied, frighten the debit collectors who terrorized the weak, and dealing with the nobles.

I had to bluff a lot though as not to seriously injure anyone: sometimes they took it to far, trying to test my strength but in turn got a hard beating.

I guess all the hard training paid off,combat training from my dad, black belt in karate, the self defense class, Tia Chi, Kung fu, boxing and on top of that am good at gemnatics: cheerleader since junior school and made head cheerleader during my senior year, so yeah am pretty much ready for any thing, I think!.

That night I couldn't help but wonder why I reacted the way I did, I'm strong yes!, maybe to strong for a normal Twenty year old , but it didn't matter before because I never for one day took out my anger at anyone, so why did I react the way did.

Did something trigger it, was I always so aggressive and brutal.

Who was he!?, he wasn't like anyone I had seen here so far, not like the high borns or the low born either;he was neat, he was to neat and maybe a little cute <<OK!, fuck what the hell am I thinking, have I sunk to deep at the point of thinking about random strangers now, maybe am losing it>>

"Ahh!" I think am losing it, this is the moment my mama warned me about Pretend not to notice a handsome man and you think about him for days.

I can't help it, I've been lonely for too long, but I can't let myself get pulled into whatever this is.

«Snap out of it and let it go» I cautioned myself

You won't realize a lot about the days passing,when people shower you with love: that how am treated daily, like some sort of god, but I'm know god, just a strange girl with trained skills in a strange land.

"Cho Hee, there are men looking for you." Hye called out as she's been followed by weird looking men, with swords and horses, one of the men looked familiar.

"Wait you look familiar" I spoke out, stood up as though I was ready for war; they looked at me anxiously as the strike a pose, finally the familiar one spoke to me.

"You are summoned at the palace" he spoke out proudly, I didn't understand, I stared at Hye in need of an explanation.

Minutes passed as the talked with Hye and her mother, as they stared at me intensely.

Hye finally walked up to me smiling and excited

"We've been summoned to the palace by the order of the King"