Chapter 24 - What If It Was Real?

"Open your eyes."

She did and she was stunned by what she saw.

It was the Seven Skys of Effidel.

Once again, another wonder she had read of in books but hadn't believed to be real.

Water below, with the tip of the mountains disappearing into the skys of seven different colours above.

She wondered where exactly this place was, if it existed within the high Walls of Ignas.

So, she asked, "where is this place? In Ignas?"

"Outside the Great Walls of Ignas."

Belladonna's forehead creased in confusion. If it was outside the walls, how then did he know about it? She had never heard of anyone going out of the Kingdom, she had never even thought that the places mentioned in the books to be outside the walls, truly existed.

What exactly laid beyond those walls? Beasts, people like her or demons?

"How did you know about this place?"

"When you fly above the high and mighty walls, what wonder won't you see?"

She smiled.

That explained it.