Chapter 26 - Almost A Fun Day

"How did you know about the place?"

"I--" she swallowed. "I read about it."

"Ah, maybe from one of the books the King had gifted you. I'm sure one of them had it."

"Yes, yes!" She nodded quickly. How was she to explain that she had dreamt about it too. She would sound absolutely crazy. "And from books in her my Villages' library."



"Of course, you pretty little reading thing."

That nickname again? It made her feel weird but she had more important things to focus on right now.

They kept on walking till they came across a side of the market, a stall sought of, where a man was sitting by a table, with cups laid face down on it. Some people were standing in front of the table, their eyes on the cups.

"You want to play the game?" Lady Kestra asked, observing how closely she was paying them attention, how interested she looked.