Chapter 92 - Sleep Of Debt

"Is that the last one?" Raquel asked, taking the basket away from the maid that had brought them up to her.

It was just in the early hours of the cold afternoon and already she was back and the baskets were empty.

"Yes, ma." Her voice was a little deeper than her frame and anyone who was merely listening wouldn't picture such a tiny person with such vibrating voice. "Should we wait behind to take more?"

Raquel shook her head, that was the last basket Colin had brought from her from the King and he had said that was the last one that was left.

Even if her Mistress was already awake, which she probably wouldn't if she was sleeping heavily, then there was no need to wait.

Raquel had a different belief about sleep. She believed that every night one refused it, a debt was counted. A debt one couldn't get away with. One would finally pay it by sleeping 'all the sleep' that they had been refusing to sleep back, filling all the gaps.

Nature just couldn't be cheated.