Chapter 117 - Golden Blabbermouth

These people standing in front of her were people she had known for many years of her life, in fact, there was even an addition.

A little boy of about a couple of months in her mother's arm.

"When we got the invitation we were surprised." Aniya said, barely able to contain the excitement, that glimmered in those big brown eyes of hers that screamed childlike innocence. Nothing much had really changed about her except that now, she was a mother.

"I am surprised to see you, mother and father. I didn't know you would come." Also, she wondered where Lytio's patents were. Were they not of more importance when the invitation was concerned? Or was Lytio the Village head now?

"Well we wanted to see how things were for you." The words pushed through her mother's teeth, the contempt in her eyes plained for all to see as she accessed her daughter.