Chapter 172 - Memorable Past

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Kestra asked, looking at the lake of glittering blue water and the clear pebbles that circled the small lake. They seemed to reflect the color of the body of water they decorated.

Eli shrugged, finding a suitable rock to sit upon, as he reached for his mask and pulled it off.

His facial muscles twitched and he bit back a groan.

His dragon had given him a beating, he could still feel the sharp long claws of the beast like they were still there, dug beneath his flesh, as it swiped out the scales of painful remembrance.

The beast had mocked him.

Despite the memories that flashed through his mind, he just really wanted this to be over and done with already, so that they could continue the search for the cave.

He didn't have all day. Soon enough, they would need to rest too, he would like for that to happen after they had found the cave.