Chapter 197 - Who Are You?

There was no place to hide. She watched in horror as the door swung open and Eli bolted in, heading straight for her.

"Donna, I---" he paused instantly, his gaze moving from her sleeping figure on the chair and the one kneeling by her side.

He didn't need to take his mask off, but she knew that look that flashed in his brown eyes. He had never looked at her like that before.

"E---" she started to say, rambling for words to explain the situation, but he drew his sword and the blade felt like a threatening presence at the base of her neck.

"Step away from her."


Did he not recognize her?

"Step away this instant or I shall slit your throat!"

The threat in his voice was as clear as day.

He would do it.

Just a little tilt forward and her head would be gone.

It would be clean too. Severed.