Chapter 220 - Showing Dangerous Potentials

Collin rushed around the room, a goblet in his hands as he approached Kestra who was pacing around barefooted, bumping against some things as she did.

The sound of the muttering from her lips clashed against her farts that ruptured through the room.

"Stupid child." She muttered, her hand resting on her belly.

"This should help," Collin said, handing a glass over to her, and she swallowed all the content of the goblet in one gulp, yet her stomach was still a rumbling mess.

It might take some time for the medicine to work.

The foul smell had completely taken over the room, if Collin didn't feel a deep sense of duty towards Lady Kestra, he would not be here enduring all this.

"She put something in the tea, I'm sure." She stood up from the edge of the bed she was sitting on. "I should have her executed for this."