Chapter 264 - You Are Beautiful. I Love You.

Belladonna folded her arms across her chest, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. She kept her eyes trained away from the paintings pasted on the walls.

They were her's and Eli's.

Very intimate paintings.

It gave her mixed feelings to be back in here after everything that had happened.

Lunch was in a couple of hours, she intended to miss it. She didn't feel hungry, all she could feel was impatience.

She couldn't wait for the Blood Moon to finally be here, she couldn't wait for everything to be over, also she couldn't wait for Eli to finally tell her what he had called her here for.

Her eyes followed him as he moved around under the candlelight that brightened up the room with its golden glow, busy with something she couldn't see from here, because his frame was blocking her view. Despite it being in the afternoon, the windows were down and the room was a little dark, so candlelight was needed.