Chapter 7 - Aftermath Of The Pull

The news of what Alaris had told the people spread to different villages, as expected, and the trials for the witches had started.

In Inaymi, many of the witches had been declared innocent and Head Lytio was already running out of the allocated funds for their compensation for their time unjustly spent in the dungeon. So he wrote to the Capital for the stand-in King to intervene.

The witches seemed to be happy though, they called the King's Right-hand woman the soul witch and they celebrated her death.

The sun took its place in the sky and the moon, glowing white, when it was its time.

Everything had returned to normal, except for what happened in the dungeon some days ago.

It was strange.

The guards said they heard the voice of someone singing, a woman, but when they got there, it was eerily silent.

Blood was everywhere and the witch in the dungeon looked like she had exploded.