Chapter 12 - Hello, Granny

Nadia's grandmother had not expected any guests that sunny afternoon, but here the dreaded ones were, at her door.

She made a couple of slightly jerky movements which could be passed off as signs of old age - for anyone who didn't know better- as she led her visitors into the hovel.

Alaris' peculiar presence made her weary, along with his reptilian eyes that seemed to calculate every movement she made, although she hid her fear greatly.

"It is so nice to have you in my humble abode." She threw a smile at them. "Nadia is getting better. You are the Bride? Yes." Her gaze finally settled on Belladonna, her slightly hunched back from old age forcing her to crane her head upwards so she could see her. "And you are the King's brother. My utmost gratitude for all you have done for Ignas. How is the King? I hope the confinement is helping him."

"Can I see her, Gr---?" Seb chipped in eagerly, before she quickly responded.


"Why?" His shoulders slumped. "Is she angry at me?"