Chapter 28 - Finding Her String

Belladonna had noticed the red glowing light first. It seeped in through every space into the carriage, and she had backed away slowly, her forehead wrinkling in confusion till the jarring feeling had hit the next second and the carriage swerved off course.

The neighing of the horses filled the air, and chaos reigned like it was meant to be there.

"What is going on?" She yelled to the coachman as the uncanny speed tossed her around the carriage without care, making her slam her body against the wooden walls, floor, and carriage seat, as she guarded her head with her arms to shield it from the damaging impact.

"What are you doing?" She yanked the curtain aside and stuck her head out the window. The coachman had his back turned to her and all she could see was his black robe, that fitted against his broad back.

Odd for a coachman.

"Be at ease." He said as he struggled with the reins of the horses that were clearly not obeying him.

Belladonna's eyes went wide slightly.