Chapter 36 - In the Blue Cave Spring

It was too easy to get her to the cave spring, despite her vocal and physical resistance. Belladonna could feel the quick and effortless sway of Eli's step as they went further and lower in the cave.

Before she knew it, she was chest-deep in cold blue water.

The images of the night she almost drowned flashed before her eyes and for a second, panic blazed in her mind like wildfire, but he was there, holding her to himself and keeping her upper body above the water, and against him - her back pressed to his chest, his firm hand anchored around her waist and his voice whispering comforting words.

"Look at me. I am right here with you. You are not alone." His gruff voice commanded and she obeyed instinctively. Her head rested on his chest, the wetness of his shirt damping her very short hair, while her electric blue orbs found peace in his brown ones.