96 - Lily From The Shadows

Finally, they were under an open sky.

The Moon was full in its glory above them.

“It is a perfect night,” Ny'ka said before intertwining her with Belladonna's.

“Close your eyes.”

She obeyed.

“Think of the Bearer, of her grave, of her presence, and connect with her.”

The Bearer.

Belladonna allowed her mind to roam, remembering the silver-haired woman she would always dream about. She had never seen her face so there was no way she could see that. The image was blurry and soon it was nothing but darkness.

“Open the windows, open the door,” she could hear Alaris' voice.

Then she remembered her way of sealing the windows and the doors of her mind.

So many things were happening in her mind. She could see the path to the castle, down to that room, to that sarcophagus,

Then she was back in that room again - with the windows sealed and the doors locked.

There was a white beam outside the window and a woman with long silver hair that shadowed her face.