The music in the lounge was terribly loud. The jazz song came out of the jukebox, not by musicians. Living here, she felt trapped between two feelings: amazement and discomfort, when she saw everything ran automatically without robots and human labor. Just the screens displaying the menu and music playlist, everything would work by just voice commands. Even though Alexis stayed with friends, the strange loneliness gradually killed her.
They could order things and select a menu with just a tap of their fingers or voice. In just a few seconds, they could get what they wanted. At this point, Alexis realized that the government told them many lies. They kept the knowledge within themselves. People were already living in the future but had thought they lived in the past. Honestly, this might be only a small part of the whole truth.
No one told them anything, explained nothing. The captives were abandoned on a lone island that was full of luxurious facilities. Alexis kept asking herself, what is the purpose of living in this place? She did not know if it was far from her home, or if it was located in the capital, under the ground, or above the sky? Not any single clue enlightened this skeptical mind. It was the third day of her stay. People called this place ‘dormitory’ but it looks like they resided in a privileged five-star prison.
“Hey, do you know John Lloyd?” She asked a girl who walked past.
She answered immediately. “Of course, I love him! Oh my god, you’re his fan too?” Her eyes sparkled like diamonds.
“Ah, yes.” Alexis waved her hand and returned to her group. She sighed, nothing news.
Wade was watching the beverage menu. While searching for nice cocktails, his eyes almost dipped into the screen. Alexis and Oslo thought he might try everything.
“Slippery Nipple”
“What a name!” Oslo laughed out loud and Alexis was giggling.
The blond winked as if he was so mature. “If you don’t know Sex on the Beach, you won’t recognize this cocktail, nerd.”
“I think it’s for girls,” Alexis said.
“What? Girls prefer it doesn’t mean it belongs to them,” Wade made the point and tasted the drink, “Umm, sweet,” and offered Alexis to try.
She took a sip and agreed, “Yep, very sweet.”
“Try one, Oslo. See how Tessa drinks like a man. Get one and go talk to her,” Wade suggested and gave a knowing smile to Alexis.
“Tessa? Why does it relate to her?” The redhead played innocent.
“Don’t play dumb. We know what you were thinking when you first saw her. She’s damn beautiful and your jaw dropped like a fool.”
Oslo narrowed his eyes to the only girl in the group.
Alexis gave him a shrug. “Yeah, it’s very obvious. Sorry to say the truth.”
“Well, yeah, she’s beautiful. I’m just a man and nothing special. She likes a guy like you, a stupid macho boy.”
Wade arched his eyebrow, “Hey, I’m not stupid. I was on the list. Hello? Don’t you remember?”
“That’s why I’m always doubtful. How could you be on the list?”
“He’s got straight A’s, Oslo,” Alexis told him. “And was the captain of the soccer team. I know it’s hard to believe but he was not that stupid macho guy.”
“A lot of ‘stupids’,” Wade mumbled.
“Oh yes, I always forget how cool you guys are. Get excellent grades, be a sportsman, and possess beauty, (“I know it’s sarcasm but thanks anyway.” Alexis gave him a broad smile.) Wade. Don’t blame me. Please blame your up-and-down temper. It makes you look stupid.”
The girl group next to them giggled louder. Apparently, they eardropped their conservation and those pretty eyes mainly focused on Wade Miller. Clearly enough, they had a crush on him. Even on this lotus-eater island, he was still popular among girls.
Wade gave them a short smile and countered Oslo. “Well, don’t blame my temper. I’m the one who has been sent because of possessing a cocaine pack of fewer than 100 grams. Say I’m the most unfortunate man of the world.” He returned to the menu screen. “Angel’s kiss.”
He passed the drink to Oslo. “For you, comrade. Be brave and make a move! We’ll help you, right, Alex?”
“Oh, please Alexis. Don’t spoil him!”
“I don’t! Just be a good friend.”
“Please return to your obsession about this place and leave me alone.”
“What is she obsessing?” Wade asked immediately. “Why don’t you talk to me like you talk to him?”
She rolled her eyes. Oslo should not have mentioned it. “Because you always hate my idea. Contradict me. Don’t think like that Alex…blah blah blah.”
“Let me hear so I can tell whether I hate it or not.”
“No, I won’t”
“She thought we’re on the cattle farm in Eastland.” Oslo jerked his brow which disturbed her. “He’ll keep asking you until you spread it out. Just tell him.”
Wade snapped his finger. “You know me. What about this cattle farm?”
Alexis kicked the counter bar. “You start it so you talk,” she stole Oslo’s drink and consumed half of it.
“Okay…it’s a farm in Eastland. They feed the cattle the best food, serve them beer, massage them, and turn on the music to release their stress before…(Oslo pretended to cut his neck with his finger)…cruelly slaughtering them. Alex thought we’re the same, the cattle.”
Wade bit his lips. As she had expected, he did not like her idea. Alexis gave a black look to her redhead friend.
“Sorry,” Oslo said.
But it was true. What she was thinking sounded rational. She could see on their faces that they were wondering too. They should become aware of it. Why the authority caged all the captives in this kind of illusional paradise. They almost had everything except the open space to see the world outside. They told them nothing, especially what they were going to do to them. And the fact that John Lloyd was not here. Where was he? Where were the others? Hundreds of questions popped up but no answer.
“What’s the matter with that?” Wade opposed her thought. “Like we can anything else? If they’re treating us like cattle, what you’re going to do? Just live to the fullest while you can. If tomorrow they kill me, I tell you I will not regret it.”
Oslo sat quietly looking at the cocktail and Wade stared at nothing in particular.
I’m the only one thinking the worst of the authority.
“See? I shouldn’t have said it. Next time, I won’t talk to you. You expose everything.”
Oslo pushed the drink away. “Sorry. It’s because you two teased me about Tessa. I just want to stop you guys. But honestly, Alex, I agree with Wade. I know how you feel. But we really can do nothing. Enjoy our life as we can. At least, it’s not the prison I imagined it to be, not even close. Perhaps, it’s not that bad like what you’re thinking.” He turned to Wade. “And I prefer beer.”
“Boring…Oslo if you want to get a girl, you must change everything. Come on Alex! Forget about that useless thought. Help this nerd lose his virginity!”
“Shut up! Stop messing with me.”
“Hey, guys!” Tessa greeted them. She was standing attractively with a hand on her waist, wearing a black spaghetti-straps crop top and khaki cargo pants. She stood with her head near Alexis’ ears.
“It’s time, man! Go ahead!” Wade cheered his friend up when the Thomas joined in.
Tessa, aged nineteen, was their first friend here. She acted like the host, made them tour around the dormitory, and guided the directions. She and her siblings stayed here for approximately three weeks and might be the first group of residents. She told them that there were a few people who stayed before them and the newcomers came every day.
“Alexis, I heard you still asking for John Lloyd at the cinema. If we don’t see him, no one sees too.” The girl said and observed Alexis’s jacket, “this one is nice too.”
Behind Tessa were Minnie and Noel. Minnie was the youngest among the Thomas, aged seventeen, a year younger than Alexis and her friends. Unlike Tessa, Minnie was quiet and loved to hide her tiny body behind her brother. She rarely voiced her opinion but once she spread it, everyone would turn silent because they did not understand what she said or sometimes it was too awkward. Therefore, Alexis and others had a few chances to talk to her. The big brother, Noel was the oldest and might be the oldest among the captives. He had been a soldier, now, aged twenty-eight. Noel had a tall and sturdy body which made Wade look like a little boy. The Thomas siblings shared the same chestnut skin and dark hair. Minnie and Noel had the same blue ocean eyes while Tessa owned a pair of light grey which were extremely beautiful.
“We’re going to the club. Do you guys want to come with us?” She talked to them but her eyes solely gave all interest to the boy with the blond hair.
“Oh yes,” Wade quickly accepted when Oslo, instead of talking to his crush, intensively stared at his hand as if it was the most interesting object that he could not take his eyes off. “Oslo just talked about going there.”
The mentioned person abruptly shot his glance toward the bossy friend but Alexis locked his head and nodded in agreement.
Tessa might suspect their strange reaction but smile anyway. “Okay, shall we?”
Wade pushed Oslo out of the chair. The redhead groaned when his friends forced him to take more advance while he was not courageous enough.
To help Oslo get the girl; Wade let him walk with Tessa while he tried talking to Minnie. Alexis coped with Noel. Their plan totally went on without smoothness. It was easy for the big brother to notice so Noel kept staring at the two.
“He’s a very good person,” Alexis said in haste. “Very good and kind. I can sure you.”
“I see what you’re playing but Tessa is not someone you can play cupid with. And that boy’s not her type. You know? He’s too shy and too weak. I didn’t mean to offend your friend but he looks like her little brother,” he jerked his head to let her look carefully.
The girl was speechless because it was true. Oslo did not look comfortable at all and this gesture would ruin the chance to get a girl, especially a girl with high self-confidence like Tessa. When Tessa chose the topic, Oslo would reply only, “Yeah. That’s right. Aha.”
Failed. Failed!
“Why did you guys end up here?” Alexis asked the older man. They entered the club, just thirty seconds walk from the previous location.
“Oh, it’s a long story.”
“We love to hear.” Wade interrupted them. It was hopeless to talk to Minnie because the girl was humming a song instead of listening to Wade’s story. Alexis instantly looked at the other thing to resist laughing.
The music was louder than in the lounge and people were crazy about dancing. Personally, Alexis did not like the club better than the lounge. She was not a big fan of Jazz music but the pure electronic song was not her thing. Tessa invited them to dance but only Oslo (whom they coerced through their eyes) joined the girl. Alexis and Wade sat with Noel and Minnie, eager to listen to Noel’s story.
“You two don’t like dancing? Tess is so crazy about it. We don’t have anything like this in our hometown.”
“In The Waste?” Alexis asked.
“Yes. The city is like its name, wasted town, wasted people, a city of the waste.” He drank half of the glass of beer. “Okay, let’s hear my story.”
“We’re waiting for this,” Wade clapped his lap.
“Well, it started when the army announced the job recruitment, I applied at once and passed the basic training. I worked since I was little and I was born strong. I have to be strong. Later, I was transferred to the commando unit. I’ve done a very good performance and my chief favored me. That’s the trouble. An envious colleague accused me of being the Suspect. I don’t really know who did it but…the police said ‘a colleague’ reported this issue. I had no chance to prove my innocence. People in The Waste are unfortunate. Even the cops are bad. As they received the false accusation, they arrested me without investigation or interrogation. Shit people.”
Noel almost slammed the glass until Alexis almost jumped.
“It’s good you don’t have to enter the interrogation”, Alexis interrupted while Wade nodded in agreement. She wondered if Noel’s glass would break. “They would torture you. You’ll be convicted anyway.”
Damn! Does it mean there’s no justice anywhere? You know? My chief was really upset because he intended to send me to the border with the new battalion team but he had no power to interfere with the legal process. My mother asked for justice, at least. Just give us a proper investigation. She is the real fighter and they mocked her and our family. At that time, Tessa made unbelievable things.”
“Is she the Risk?” Wade asked.
At this point, Alexis and Wade opened all their ears. Alexis had experienced seeing the Risk but it was far from impressive and she saw none of Sonya’s power except the effect after that. The kids knew the Risks must blend in with all the captives but after three days in this place, none of the Risks revealed themselves.
Noel took a quick glance at Tessa who was dancing with the other boys and Oslo was left alone. Alexis felt that she directly told them through her body language, “Stopping pairing him with me.”
Noel continued, “She did not know about her ability. Tessa was upset and furious at the way the cop treated the citizen and that citizen is our mother. She shouted to them in anger, determined to curse them but it was the sound, a very strange sound emitted out of her mouth. I’m not sure what really happened but that sound attacked the cops. And everything turned bad, she could not control herself. She was standing puzzled. And all of us were charged.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Alexis told him. “But why they did arrest all of you? Okay, you were arrested but why Minnie was charged too?”
Noel smiled bitterly. “Yes, I was already convicted and they said brothers and sisters tended to share the superhuman ability. Therefore, Minnie was judged as the Suspects after that.”
Wade and Alexis exchanged their looks. It was the worst case for Oslo who had four brothers and sisters. They were not sure if they were fortunate or not but the legal process in San Bosa was surely better than in the Waste. But ‘better’ did not mean justified.
All of them glanced at the boy with the red hair who stood foolishly when Tessa enjoyed herself with the others. Alexis wondered if it was the right decision for them to force him to chase the girl. She did not like to see her friend being dumped.
“I’ll call him to sit with us,” she told Wade.
“Just wait for a little bit more.”
“It won’t work,” Minnie finally said something. They hardly heard her speaking. What a surprise. The girl pointed to Tessa and Oslo. “Tess doesn’t like him. She likes someone like you,” she pointed to Wade. “And that boy,” her finger moved to the boy who was sitting alone at the corner. Only the tower of glasses was his companion. He had talked to no one but always attracted ladies’ attention.
The moment Alexis flashed her eyes at him and he quickly noticed it, she felt a little bit strange. He was always quick to notice the stare. That boy, with light silver hair and deep blue eyes, sat under colorful lights like a celestial being. Sometimes his expression sent back the look of her reaction. It was odd or embarrassing when he could catch her sight every time she took his eyes on him. She recognized him since the first day of their staying here. Alexis already knew this boy. She meant she could recognize his face.
“That boy,” Noel murmured. “He doesn’t talk. We tried to befriend him but he preferred to be alone. Very strange boy, we don’t even know his name.”
“Michael,” Alexis answered him.
“You know him?” Wade asked, wary.
“Yes, we met a long time ago. I think he’s very shy…or doesn’t like people.”
“I met him at the audition.”
“Which audition?”
Alexis tried to be patient. “Lexy jeans. He came with a man but it seemed like he did not want to come or was forced to. When he knew it was the audition for a TV commercial, he shouted and tried to flee. But he’s very outstanding. Every girl eyed him. I remembered once John saw him, he said that Michael should be the presenter and he should be the extra. I mean he made a joke. But I saw John’s eyes and knew that he wanted to be Michael’s manager himself.”
“That’s all?”
She frowned when he was bossy.
“He stared at Alexis,” Minnie suggested.
“Yes, because we remember each other but he did not like to talk to me too. I greeted him this morning; saw him in the cafeteria alone like this. Instead of saying something, yes or no, he answered me by walking away.” Alexis sniggered.
Now the boy collected his sight to himself.
“Yeah, he loves walking away when someone talks to him,” Noel agreed. “Same experience.”
“Nah, just a boy and a weird one.” Wade acted like he was not interested but could not hide his envy. Everyone could catch the tone of his voice.
“He’s hot…hotter than you,” Minnie said. “He’s one of Tessa's favorites. You, that boy, and...”
“Minnie.” Noel shook his head.
The younger girl was not exaggerated when she compared him with Wade. Michael was a boy who all girls automatically forgot the existence of John Lloyd when they saw him. She remembered that moment well, which was the reason why John had made the joke. And his eyes stared at Michael he wanted to support the boy himself. Perhaps because of his hair color too. Michael was an angel in disguise. Alexis admitted that she was one of those girls too.
“You’re a model?” Minnie asked curiously. Alexis did not know if she had to feel like gaining victory when she could attract this girl’s interest.
“Not really, a part-time job, a no-name actually,” Alexis replied. Minnie moved forward. Her eyes turned sparkling. “Is he a model too? Is he your type? I see he observes you since we came here.”
“No, he didn’t. I can guarantee that.” Alexis bit her lips. “I already said because we have met before.”
“But he has never eyed on Tessa longer than five seconds. You got ten.”
Noel laughed. “You counted it?” The way he looked at his youngest sister was like the way Caleb looked at Charlie.
Minnie nodded like a little child.
“He’s not Alexis’s type,” Wade made his own summary.
“How do you know? He’s super cute.” Alexis quickly responded but it was a mistake because Wade hated it when she did this.
“Well, compared to your ex, he was blond, tall, handsome and athletic, nice and gentle.”
“Wade…Don’t start it, please. I’m not Carter.” She almost forgot what the pain from backstabbing was like. Didn’t yearning for family and friends torment her heart enough? Why did Wade still dig it up?
“Sorry. I just answer Minnie.” He shrugged.
“No, you don’t intend to answer her. You intend to tease me.”
“You mean yourself? Are you her type? But you’re not gentle,” Minnie still urged for more details without worrying about the use of her words. However, Alexis did not think Wade would care anymore. And he deserved to listen to people criticize his bad nature.
“She’s right. You’re mean.” Alexis confirmed.
“Kids...,” Noel interrupted. “And Minnie, don’t ask personal kinds of stuff.”
Once got a short lesson, Minnie abandoned her interest in Alexis and drew backed to her chair watching people in the club with her daydreaming eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Wade whispered.
“You’re not sorry. You’re always like this,” Alexis complained. “Since we came here, you act like…”
“I just want to know if you forget him.” Wade did not yield. “If you have no feelings, why are you upset with me?”
“When did I tell you I have no more feeling for him?”
Noel and Minnie sat quietly when their conservation gradually changed to a small quarrel. Alexis knew they were listening. “You know Wade. Find Carter, if you want to practice your verbal attack skill. And if you want to know, yes, I still love Davy. Okay? Satisfied now?”
Wade stood up and went to Tessa right away. He commanded Oslo to return to his seat and danced with the girl without caring about Oslo’s reaction. Tessa gladly welcomed him.
Oslo returned to sit next to Alexis with a breath of relief. He asked, “What’s up to him? Do you guys argue again?”
Without Belinda Carter, Wade still sought a counter partner to practice his sharp mouth. He usually stimulated her feeling of longing for the past life. Alexis tried her best to continue her life in accordance with his philosophy but it was too difficult than she had thought. Time passed not long ago even though she felt like a year. No matter what, Alexis still remembered how heartbroken she had been when realizing what Davy and June did behind her back. But Alexis had her family and friends…not like this.
Perhaps it was loneliness. She thought she could forget the pain but the more she longed for the past, the more she hurt.
It’s hard to be myself, the old me when I lose everything. What do you think I'm supposed to do, Wade? Run to you for comfort?
“I see. You two did fight again,” Oslo concluded when she did not give him the answer.
“You know him. He likes to jab on my old wound.”
“He’s a spoiled brat,” Oslo agreed. “Instead of acting like a love guru, he should learn to be polite and modest, and then he can get into you.”
Then Noel just said, “Young love. They’re too emotional.”
Alexis heard and understood what he meant ‘young love’. “Old man, young love doesn’t mean to be immature but what between me and Wade is not love. We’re friends.”
He raised both of his hands. “Nope, I don’t want to argue with you. Have to do the brother’s job.” Noel stood up and moved since Wade and Tessa began to get closer and closer.
Oslo sighed. “He’s really a boy. He’s trying to call your attention.”
“How do you feel, Oslo?” Alexis jerked her head to their friend and the girl with the dark hair.
“Honestly, I don’t feel anything. No jealousy, no bad feeling towards Wade, I just met Tessa. She’s beautiful, truly. But to be honest, I miss Christina even now. This is why I understand you, Alex. So please stop helping him, okay?”
“Promise,” she surrendered with a shameful face.
The situation made them closer. As Belinda Carter seek new peers and they pretended not to recognize each other, the trio became close friends within a short time. What made Alexis feel uncomfortable was the way Wade regarded himself as her boyfriend-to-be. He was a very good friend except when he acted like this. Sometimes he mentioned Davy and June just to see her reaction. It was true that the arrest and the departure from a home built the severest pain in her. It was more painful than any other thing. Even the story that Davy and June had broken her heart could not compare with this pain. But the scar gives you emotional pain. You inwardly hurt, not physically, because it reminds you of how it was there.
Noel returned to the seat with Angry Tessa. “I’m not a little girl!”
“But you’re not immature. Don’t flirt around. I mean stop flirting, stop playing games.”
“You’re not my dad! I can do what I want!”
“I’ll go get some drinks,” Alexis whispered to Oslo, hurriedly sneaking out to escape the scene.
“Wait!” Oslo followed. “What is this day? I feel hot argument everywhere.”
They ordered a couple of glasses of light beer and decided to sit behind the fountain of wine. Without Wade, sharing her mind with Oslo was easier. He was a good listener who could listen to anyone’s view. On the contrary, Oslo would expose her thoughts if Alexis tried to tease him.
“That’s Belinda.” Oslo pointed.
Alexis followed his guide. The former schoolmate was chatting with a new group of people. Belinda could manage herself to go with the mainstream like Wade did naturally; the only similarity they shared. Belinda was laughing and looked happy with her new peers.
“You still talk to Carter. I see,” Alexis said. “You’re not angry with her?”
Oslo shook his head. “I was but we’re in the same boat now. And I’m kind of having sympathy. You two are very cold to her.”
Alexis was shocking. “Cold? She intended to defame me.”
“I know. I know. At least, you ignore her. I didn’t offend you.”
She sighed a long breath. “I know you have a very kind heart, Oslo. I may not complain about Carter or blame her but I can’t help but stay away from her. I don’t know what she’s thinking and she has never apologized to us. It’s unbelievable to see you still talk to her. Very respect.”
“You've overrated me. I just have sympathy.”
“She has new friends and she looks very happy without us. She doesn’t need your sympathy. I know you have good intentions but I’m afraid she’ll betray you, or use you someday. Stay away from this kind of people. This is what I want to tell you.”
Oslo nodded but she knew he was too kind to accept her warning.
A small clatter sound of an object fell near their position. Alexis turned to look at it. The object had the shape of a rectangle metal, no, not metal. The color on its surface was golden-white and small oval diamonds decorated its elegant body. She picked it up. It was a lighter.
“Wow,” Oslo gasped when Alexis picked it up.
“Who is the owner? I think it’s very expensive.”
“Is it a lighter?”
“Yes.” Alexis opened it.
“Excuse me. It’s mine.” A soft-spoken voice was above her head. Alexis and Oslo looked up and they saw a very good-looking young man.
“It’s so beautiful,” she said and gave it back to him. He took it back but the way his fingers lightly touched her hand transmitted an eccentric feeling. This man was too charming until she felt hot on her face.
“Is that…man?”
“You remember me?” he asked Oslo.
Both nodded.
Obviously, he was older than them. This man was the same person who smiled at her in the cafeteria on the first day. And Wade started acting like her boyfriend-to-be since then.
“Why do you guys sit here?”
“Ah…we’re chatting,” Oslo replied.
“Sit here?”
“It’s quieter.” Alexis and Oslo stood up because they did not want to get neck pain. The new guy was a few inches taller than her. The one that might come from a rich family as she judged from his fine outfits, it looked like he walked out of the men’s fashion magazine with the perfect short hair and beardless face.
“B.R. Is that the lighter’s brand name?”
“No, it’s my name.”
His amber eyes switched from Alexis to Oslo and vice versa. “Where is the blond hair?”
He even remembered Wade.
“He’s dancing.”
“Oh...” He looked at Wade who was dancing with the other girl because Tessa was sitting on the sofa next to her brother with her chin on her knee.
“And you don’t dance?”
Alexis shook her head. “No, I don’t”
“You don’t like dancing?”
“I do but not this time.”
“Okay, you guys, spend your time,” Oslo lowered his head with a knowing smile.
“Hey, don’t do this,” she called him as he left her alone. “Damn.” When she turned to the young man, he was staring without a smile. His eyes conveyed the meaning that he understood what Oslo did.
“How long have you been here?” she asked.
“Good question. About three weeks.”
Like the Thomas. “Have you known John Lloyd?”
“You don’t know him?”
“No,” he firmly insisted. Alexis was certain that he was sincere. “Who is he?”
“Nothing.” Alexis was disappointed. Tessa was right, no one saw him here.
“If you don’t dance, would you care to join me for a drink?”
There was something in his smile, like an invisible twinkle light flashing to her eyes. He had strong charisma, this man…a very dangerous one. Alexis almost forgot herself when those amber eyes locked her gaze. What was more impressive was he had no will to hide the trap. He revealed all of it. The fire in his eyes did either lure or seduce the girl; on the contrary, it sat still, waiting for her to walk to him, by herself.
“Ah, the music’s too loud,” he said and filled his glass with the wine on the fountain. “Well, if you don’t mind I introduce myself. I’m Benjamin. Just call me Ben, and you?” The way he offered his hand made her feel like a princess. How could a man be a prince and a demon lord at the same time?
“Alexis.” She shook his hand. Again, the way he touched her hands was like he offered an invitation card with a ribbon. She tried to avoid his eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Alexis.”
Why did just a smile make her cheeks flush? Alexis pondered. He and the boy with the silver hair made her lost in this untrue paradise. If Davy was not sitting in her heart, Alexis might try stepping into this trap. But why Davy is still in my heart. He should go away. This man is hotter. Why do I have to care about someone who cheated on me? Oh, being nonsense, I can’t help. I’m just a girl. And the girl has so much thought fusing in her mind.
Eventually, Alexis regained her composure. The hot guy meant fatal attraction. Davy taught her well. “I’m sorry. Have to go back to the group.” She could resist his charm.
“Really? Your friends seem to enjoy themselves well enough.” He pointed out.
Alexis looked at Wade whose face turned red and he danced like no one watching. Tessa and Noel seemed like they had a drinking competition. Minnie was Minnie. And Oslo waved his hand to her and Ben like cheering.
“Right?” He showed his triumph smile.
Oslo, wait for my turn.
“Well…” She did not know how to start or end it. He was handsome, super handsome. And why didn’t she take a chance? Just talking might not be bad and she was single. It was time to push Davy away.
“I don’t dance but if you want to talk, I love to. Well, where did you come from?”
“The capital.”
That’s why he wore those brands.
“And you, Alexis?”
“Alex, if you prefer a shorter name. I come from San Bosa in Idrina State.”
Ben chuckled.
“What’s funny?”
Again, if he could stop smiling, Alexis would be thankful. The way he gazed made her cheeks hot like she had a fever. Those piercing eyes were very penetrating and she felt like he saw everything in her mind.
“My best friend is named Alex too.”
“Oh, I see. Is he a man?” Stupid, why did I suddenly become stupid?
“Of course, he’s a man. Not many girls are named Alex.” His voice sounded amused. As his eyes moved to her chin and neck, Alexis averted her body to avoid the gaze. The wounds recalled bad memory.
“Sorry. I see you got injured.”
“It’s just bruises and scar…How do you end up here?”
“If you don’t mind, I know how to erase those scars.” He did not answer her question but focused on her bruises. “In the infirmary, the medicines there can help you remove them. If you doubt my suggestion, please look around and you’ll understand. The secret knowledge of the government isn’t about these things.”
“Really? Like, remove all of it.” Alexis felt hopeful.
He nodded. “All of it. You want to go check it?” He offered a hand with a smile that she could not deny it. Alexis saw the red carpet in front of her.
It was Tessa who called her loudly and walked toward them. Wade was sitting behind, narrowing his eyes at Ben. Alexis needed him to stop this kind of habit.
Ben did not turn to see them but glanced a little. After that, he courteously lowered his head saying, “Your friend calls you now. Don’t forget to apply some treatments there. Girls don’t like scars, is that right?”
“Thank you, Ben, really. You’re going?”
The corner of his lips lifted. “Next time, hope you have time for me. See you around.”
With just one blink, he was gone. Alexis did not understand why he was hurried to go after Tessa called her.
“What are you talking about with him?” Tessa roped her arms on Alex’s right arm. The gesture reminds the girl of her best friend, Elodie. “He may make you think he’s a prince but the real him is a wolf. Just so you know. I know him before you. He’s wicked”
“Oh, do not worry. He doesn’t hide his true identity at all…but a very kind and charming wolf, don’t you think?”
“Oh please. Not all red riding hoods were rescued. They were devoured alive, young lady! Has no one ever warned you not to play with fire?”
Why I feel like I return to school? Alexis now understood why people called this place, “dormitory”.