She cut the call and the doors were opened. They were all wearing masks, even when it was dark? Fighting would be a waste of time and energy. I had to let her will be done, I would have to live through it to get to the next. It was getting more interesting
I stepped out of the car and raised my hands above my head, and immediately got veiled with a black sack, and they dragged me away
The night was going slow, slower than the heart beats I was listening to, and my companions were nothing but the sweet little dark dwellers with pointing tails, ears, and oh well, you know the res
These rats made hell of noises, but well, I guess it was a little peaceful, at least with the gleams of moon light drawn through the fairly enclosed windows, and openings from the steel wall
Everywhere wrecked of metal and it's rust— I hated it, but if it helped me understand my environment and it's condition, then no proble