"So, care to share?" Aiden looked at his sister, staring into space in her room, probably speaking to Artemis.

" I met someone, It is about Artemis, but I am not sure what to make of it; it is complicated," I answered Aiden's question.

"Is it a rogue?"

"No, I will tell you, when we get back, this is not the right place."

He sighed in frustration at my answer, " you promised to tell me, don't forget."

I nodded and asked to change the topic, " How is the training?"

"Training is good; they are fast learners, Luna Stella is the issue, but I can take care of it."

"Don't worry, Stella won't do anything for now." Derek should have heard about her tantrum; he would discipline her if he did not want me to kill her.

"I wonder how you are blood-related," Aiden muttered to himself.

I chuckled inwardly at his statement; Stella is spoilt and arrogant, so I won't be surprised if things don't go her way.

"I checked the pack for clues, but I don't see anything they want, and it seems I have to call for a meeting with the alpha about some issues." Rosemoon pack does not have anything they want unless it is a person.

"Are you going to be okay?. I mean, your ex-mate is going to be there." Aiden stared at me in worry.

"Don't worry. It does not affect me, and the bond between him and I broke." The bond faded over the years; the thin thread holding me to Derek broke over time.

Aiden nodded at my explanation, " In case that bastard does anything, tell me, I don't trust that you would not kill him."

I chuckled inwardly at Aiden's statement, " Let go to his office."

At the pack house, the main topic of discussion was the famous SANGUINEX; It was a surprise to the pack members that the SANGUINEX is a woman and the former beta's daughter who was wolfless and ran away years ago.

A reputation of killing rogues drenched in blood without mercy in human form does not suit a woman.

The Elder clarified the matter of gender; Not many believed with a reputation of killing rogues drenched in blood with a smile on the face in human form must be a woman.

The scenario that day and this morning with Luna Stella cleared their doubts.

One statement came into their minds that day; 'An Alpha, she was born to rule,' but one question is not solved; The former beta's daughter was wolfless, yet how come she has a wolf now?. They wondered.

The topic of the discussion stepped into the pack house.

Dominance was there instantly, like a king telling you to bow in his presence; this is the SANGUINEX'S presence.

The moment I stepped in, silence came over instantly.

I did not glance at anyone and moved to the Alpha's office without appointments.

Aiden followed behind me as we stopped in front of the Alpha's office before knocking; I faintly heard 'come in' from the other side of the door.

I entered with Aiden while Derek stood up from his seat to welcome us into his office and provided chairs to sit on before he sat down at his desk.

"Carmen, Is there an issue?"

"Firstly, That is commander carmen to you; Secondly, Warn your luna not to test my patience, and Lastly, let us discuss your pack." I leaned back with my arms crossed to correct Derek and drew a line between us.

I snarled to Artemis in my thoughts, 'I hope that he is not having any delusions about us.'

"Carmen." He tried to speak again, but I cut him off

"Alpha Derek, I hope you would not end up like your luna."

He looked at me and nodded, "Okay, commander carmen, what is the problem?"

" Your security is too lax."

Derek nodded at the statement, "Yes, The rogues came to us at unexpected times, and it seems they knew who and when to attack."

"It looks like a traitor is in this pack, and I don't think you need me to tell you that, Alpha Derek." I pointed out the problem to him.

"That is impossible." Derek denied my claim.

"Your naivety will kill your pack, Alpha Derek," I countered.

"Carmen, how could you?, These are also your pack members."

"Now, let me stop you there, Alpha Derek; I stopped being your pack member when you people raised your hands on me." Derek flinched at my blunt answer.

I chuckled inwardly and thought, 'He thinks I would care about the pack if not for my responsibility.'

I continued, "But this is not part of the discussion, Rogues attacked your pack three times without killing everyone."


"I did not finish talking, Alpha, and They kill at once without leaving survivors, yet came three times which means they are looking for something or someone and attack your best warriors before the weak people in your pack, which also mean they knew who to attack." I cut Derek off with my investigation.

Silence occupied the room before I broke it.

"I leave the investigation to you, Alpha Derek, and also, during the attack, was there anything weird, alpha?"

"Not that I know of," Derek answered with his hands in his dark brown hair.

"I will give you time to investigate the traitor, and please try to remember what happened during the attack." I stood up with Aiden to leave the office.

We left the office together in silence until we reached the guest house.

"Why didn't you ask if there is anything valuable in the pack.?" Aiden broke the silence at the entrance.

I twisted the door knob to enter the house and answered, "Well, looking at his reaction, it seems he doesn't know anything, which means the former alpha of this pack must know something."

Aiden closed the door before we walked to my appointed room, "How are you sure?"

I answered impassively, "I was very observant when he was my mate."

"I see."

"Are you continuing the training till evening?" Aiden nodded his head to my questions.

"Okay, I am here if you need me, brother," I entered my room after waving at Aiden.

I dumped myself on the bed with thoughts in my head.

'You, okay?" Artemis started a conversation with me in my head.

"Yes, I am."

'Are you sure?'

I stayed silent for a while before answering, "It is amusing."

'What is?'

"This pack," I thought I would feel something or an emotion, but nothing came.

There's no grief or sorrow when I saw the pack suffering, No delight when I saw my family suffering, and No pain or happiness when I saw my ex-mate suffering.

"I just feel emptiness," I murmured on the pillow.

'Do you want to talk about this morning?' Artemis changed the topic when she saw carmen in her thoughts again.

I chuckled inwardly, Artemis knows how to cheer me up, and she knows me best, "I almost forgot about it."

"Do we have to go to the Lycan community to look for our mate?"

' Yes, we do.

Lycan God sent his messenger to us, which means we need to find him.'

"You know, the lycan community run in an ancient hierarchy, which means they have a king."

'I know that is why our mate should be a royalty, noble, or a strong warrior.'

Well, I agree with noble and warrior, but I can't agree with royalty.

The lycan king is a mysterious one with a reputation worse than mine, I didn't hear of him having a sibling or relatives, so it can't be his family.

"Well, when we finish with the Rosemoon pack, I will talk to dad about it."

Since the Lycan god is involved, I, his bloodline, need to fulfill the task of finding my mate.