It has been a month since the meeting with the Alphas and the Lunas.

A month since the former Luna Stella knight was known to everyone in the werewolves community as a traitor.

A month that, all werewolves knew she was not the alpha Derek's real mate.

Some say that Alpha Derek was pitful that she bewitched him and caused him to ignore his real mate.

Another says the moon goddess showed her might and warned others not to ignore her will. It is the rosemoon pack's punishment, given the rogue's situation.

Others ridiculed Alpha Derek that he is stupid to ignore his real mate and fall for the fake one. The rosemoon pack condition is his fault for being seduced.

With all the gossip running around the werewolves' packs, Everyone learned a lesson and has a question.

Never disregard the moon goddess's will, and Who is the mate of the alpha of the rosemoon pack?

But that question is not answered to this day.

Only rumors had it that the SANGUINEX, the commander in the goldmoon pack, knew his real mate, and she was protecting her.

The rumors caused an uproar, and Alphas verified that it was true. But people are not paying to those rumors.

They are talking about the famous SANGUINEX as a woman. The rumors about her described that she was a man.

During the month, rumors upon rumors flowed through the werewolves community.

Of course, I ignored every single one of them.

The next day is when we will leave for the Lycan's kingdom.

I packed clothes and all necessities for the trip. Aiden, Scarlett, and Hunter will be going with a few warriors.

Elder Steven and Elder Marley will stay in the goldmoon pack for any situation.

The trip will take seven days to the Lycan Kingdom.

The next day, we said goodbye and drove to the Lycan's kingdom with others vehicles containing warriors.

We saw other vehicles with their alphas and the lunas in them, so we traveled together.

We stopped by some hotels during the seven days until we got to the Lycan's kingdom's border.

A lycan guard stopped us for a moment, and Hunter wind down the car window by his side to speak to him.

He pointed to the eye-catching castle ahead and attended to the other vehicles behind us.

The moment we drove into the border, Artemis stirred in my head.

'It seems she felt our mate for her to behave like this.' I thought while gazing outside.

These were the first time I had been to Lycan's kingdom. It was different from what I expected.

The Lycan's king's reputation is very frightening, I thought his kingdom would be, but It is the opposite.

Children were moving around, sellers and buyers did their work, cars drove about, and busy markets. It is a beautiful and warm place.

'He has a scary reputation, but it does not change that he is a good ruler,' I thought while admiring different places.

People would stop to look at the vehicles passing that do not seems like theirs and continue what they are doing.

'It looks like he didn't announce our visit,' I added to my thoughts.

We stopped at the parking lot in front of the castle and joined the alphas and lunas standing and discussing with a man, a very handsome man with men holding swords on their waist.

I thought it was a rumor that Lycans are more beautiful and handsome than werewolves, even with their similarities.

It seems true.

We got down and walked to the crowd of werewolf leaders.

They made way for us till Hunter saw the handsome man.

The handsome man put his hand for a shake and flashed a smile, "You must be one of the Elders among the werewolves."

Hunter shook his hand with an introduction, "I am Hunter Miller, and that Elder is Scarlett Miller, my sister with my children." He pointed to his sister.

"I am Baron Harrison jones. Welcome to the Lycan's kingdom," The handsome man known as Harrison said.

They dropped their hands, and Harrison faced us, "Who might you be?''

Aiden introduced us, "I am Aiden Miller, and this is my sister, Carmen Miller."

Harrison nodded and turned to me. The moment he looked into my eyes, he flinched.

Fear and recognition flashed in his eyes quickly that nobody saw it apart from me.

Hunter furrowed his brows, turned to me, and looked at Harrison worriedly, "Is anything wrong?"

Harrison turned to Hunter and laughed nervously, "Nothing is wrong. The king spoke to me now."

He coughed to hide his embarrassment and said, "Let's me take you to your rooms. As for the alphas and lunas that have not come, the guards positioned here will guide them to my office."

'Liar.' I thought.

'It seems he recognized the lycan in us,' Artemis said in my mind.

"Oh? I thought the lycan in us is dormant."

'Well. The moment we entered the kingdom, I started feeling pain, and it seems the lycan blood in you became alive.' Artemis said.

''Hmm,'' I answered

'Almost like a greeting,' I thought.

The moment I stepped into the castle, I paused.

Aiden noticed and looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked in my mind.

I took a deep breath and continued walking, "Yes, I smelt him, my mate."

Aiden continued walking and asked, "Mate?"

"Yes, His scent is all over this castle," I said in my mind to me.

The thick, enticing scent of peppermint with a mix of musk in every corner of the castle entranced me.

Aiden looked at me beside him and nodded his head with furrowed brows.

Harrison asked a maid, who he introduced to us as the head maid of the castle and his wife.

She guided Scarlett and me to the female side of the castle.

She took Scarlett to her room after instructing her about the bell before taking me to my room. She glanced at me almost every time, and something flashed in her eyes.

I ignored every glance.

She took me to my room on a different floor and left with a closed-door after telling me to ring the bell by my bed if I needed anything.

I looked at the room, and as expected, in any castle as large as the Lycan's own, their rooms won't disappoint the room owner.

A gold chandelier hanging on the white ceiling with a deigns on it and a large bed in the middle of the room with many fluffy pillows and a big white blanket covering the bedsheet.

On the left side of the room is a door that seems to be leading to a closet. I walked to the door and opened and as expected, It was the closet but a walk-in closet.

The right side leads to the bathroom, but I don't want to explore it, or I will have a heart attack with all the expensive things in the room.

I flopped on the enormous bed, and no dust.

'It seems they cleaned it,' I thought.

I was about to close my eyes and sleep, but I heard a knock on the door.

I stood up and opened the door, and a maid wearing the black and white maid uniform carried my box.

The maid flinched at once her sight landed on me.

''G-Good day, miss, I brought your box, and I will be responsible for you on this floor,"

I nodded and took it from her.

She squirmed at stare.

''Are there other species coming?'' I asked.

"Y-Yes, miss." She replied nervously.

"Okay, you may leave." I closed the door after hearing an answer.

I left the luggage in one corner of the room, directly flopped on the soft and fluffy large bed, and slept off.