FIFTY-FOUR (Witches)

Rose heavily panted as she cast a spell to protect herself and Amelia from the creatures.

''εμπόδιο,'' She said as the strays and Vampires bounced back from the barrier and landed on the floor.

''αμπέλια,'' Amelia, who hid behind her cast, an attacking spell.

Vines from underneath the ground pierced the creatures. The vines pierce some through the heart, and some dodge the vines.

This attack continued until rose could feel her magic decreasing.

'Damn it,' She thought, getting flustered.

She also noticed Dimitra not doing anything but smiling.

'She is not fighting us or protecting the strays and the rogues,' Rose thought, chanting a spell.

''That should be your limit, my dear successor,'' Dimitra said mockingly.

''καταστρέφω'' Dimitra waved her hand, chanting an attack spell, and blew the barrier Rose setup to protect herself and Amelia.

Rose and Amelia flew backward because of the impact that Dimitra's magic destroyed the barrier.

They landed on the ground, spitting out blood and letting out a painful groan.

Dimitra smiled evilly at the scene in front and walked gracefully forward.

Rose struggled to sit up, wiping the blood from her mouth and staring at the black-dressed witch.

'Why did this happen to us?' She thought.

Dimitra was her predecessor, second in position to the high priest. She was her closest friend in the coven until that day she asked a question.

That day changed their relationship and also shifted rose to her younger sister.

Amelia had a large amount of magic, so it wouldn't be a surprise if the high priestess of the coven was very interested in her and had great expectations.

Rose remembered many were jealous of amelia, but one person was very jealous and took her jealousy to another level. Eventually, Her jealousy turned into hatred, hating her own family, her sister.

That was Dimitra.

'I should have noticed,' Rose thought, standing up with shaky legs as Dimitra was close to them.

Rose glanced at Amelia, who struggled to stand, and thought, 'I should use what I have left.'

Rose gathered the remaining magic in her body and chanted a disappearing spell for herself and Amelia.

''Do you remember the question I asked you, rose?'' Dimitra said as they were disappearing.

''Don't worry, I will find you soon.'' Her voice echoed as they disappeared.

The spell took them to a part of the vampire territory with burnt buildings.

It was a burnt area.

Rose looked around to find a sign of Dimitra before staring at amelia behind her and seeing that she was not reacting. It was safe to say that Dimitra had not found them yet.

Amelia chanted the barrier spell to protect them from any creatures of the enemy, and Rose collapsed to the ground.

'Do you remember the question I asked you, rose?' Her voice rang in rose's head.

Of course, she remembers, and they were many questions she asked, but one drove her away from Dimitra.

' Why is everyone liking her? all she has, is a great amount of magic.'

'The high priestess is interested in her?'

'Rose, who do you think is better between us?'

'Will she replace us, Rose?'

'She does not know great spells like me, so why is everyone liking her?'

Rose naively thought that the childish jealousy would fade away until those questions came.

'Rose, I want to learn about forbidden magic.' Rose thought she was joking then and didn't take her statement seriously.

'Rose, I found a way to increase my magic.'

'Rose, you can learn too.' When rose saw she was serious, she warned her and threatened to report to the high priestess if she continued.

Dimitra promised to stop, but she didn't.

The obsession with increasing her magic and learning forbidden spells and magic was intense.

Their relationship was becoming distant, but they still talked to each other.

And the day she asked the question that brought their relationship to an end.

'Rose, I want to kill everyone in this coven, especially Amelia.'

'I am telling you because we are friends and close sisters.'

Rose remembered not answering and acted like she did not hear anything from Dimitra.

Dimitra would always want to talk to her, but she would run away the second she saw her.

Rose thought she did a good thing by not answering her and not telling the high priestess to protect her friend even though their relationship had ended.

Then, she didn't know that she had done a bad thing.

If she had told the high priestess everything, Dimitra wouldn't have been obsessed with forbidden magic.

If she had told the high priestess, they would have caught Typhon by then, and none of this would happen.

And If she had told the high priestess, maybe. Just maybe their friendship would have remained.

But no, none of that happened.

She was selfish in not telling anyone about it.

''It seems you remember seeing as you are in a daze.'' A voice rang out in the area.

Dimitra appeared out of thin air and stared at them.

No one talked, just stared at each other.

''Well, there is no use of regrets because what I can see in your eyes is disgusting to me,'' She broke the silence by sneering mockingly.

''I trusted you that day, but you didn't listen and ignored me. So don't look at me with regrets.'' Dimitra didn't look at her former friend and turned to her little sister.

The person who stole everything from her. Her parents' love, her friend, everything that revolved around her.

'Even master wanted her sister and not herself,' Dimitra thought, looking at Amelia with unconcealed hatred.

Dimitra was the best sister out of the two of them. Although she didn't have much magic, she learned spells once and performed better than the witch teaching at a young age without mistake.

That's what attracted the high priestess's attention to her.

Her parents loved her and neglected her wallflower sister.

She was known as the genius witch and was the center of attention, everyone looked at her in envy wanting to have her knowledge, but they couldn't get it no matter what.

But that changed when people knew her sister to have a large amount of magic closest to the high priest.

That is when everything changed.

Everyone left, putting their attention on Amelia, forgetting the one who learned all the spells and never disappointed them.

Amelia only had magic but not enough knowledge of spells like hers.

'If she had magic like her sister, she could get all the attention again,' she thought then.

So she found a forbidden magic book in the forest near the coven, and that's when she saw him, Typhon.

Someone who needed a witch with a high amount of magic, and that was her sister, again.

Blinded by jealousy, She told Typhon that she was better than her sister, and he told her to prove it.

She studied forbidden magic under his statement but later found out that the magic was more fantastic than what she knew.

The spells challenged her till she could get them, and she noticed that as she learned more from the book. Her magic grew more.

She abandoned the coven when no one sided with her and left with Typhon after he attacked the coven.

''Now that master wants something from this land, I can use this opportunity to steal your magic, Amelia,'' Dimitra said at her sister, who looked at her with fear.

'That's how it should be,' She thought as she prepared magic to break down her sister's barrier.

''Don't worry. It won't be painful,''