''So you must be the new messenger,'' I heard a familiar sinister voice and opened my eyes to see Typhon, talking to another version of myself.

The other version had red eyes like last time.


I stared at this Typhon as he looked more deadly and crazy even though this was a dream.

'or memory,' I thought because this feels vivid.

His hand, in a choking position, toward Artemis, as She was struggling in the air.

''I didn't expect Selene to replace me so quickly, although it's been years or even generations since she imprisoned me,'' Typhon sneered at Artemis, trying to escape his grasp.

Choking sounds answered him..

A staff flew towards his hand, and Typhon released Artemis to avoid the piercing.

Artemis fell to the ground, coughing violently, and stared at the Lycan god who came to her front.

The staff stuck on the ground moved sideways before removing itself and flew to the Lycan god's opened hand.

''Lycaon!'' Typhon exclaimed hatefully at the god who spoilt his fun.

The Lycan ignored the furious banished god and stared at the messenger on the ground behind him.

''Run,'' He said as he faced Typhon.

I gasped, sitting up immediately, and coughing violently because the memory felt like it happened to me, although it happened to Artemis.

As I was coughing, I felt someone patting my back, judging by my body's reaction to the hand. I knew it was Conrad.

After coughing for a while, Conrad asked, seated on a chair close to the bed, ''Are you okay?''

I calmed down and stared at him before noticing the bandages wrapped around his upper body.

He wore a white shirt but with the buttons open.

''W-W-What....'' My voice was hoarse as I tried to speak.

Conrad noticed as he took a glass of water on a side stool which I didn't know was there.

I moved slightly, but the amount of pain I felt was much.

It seems Conrad noticed my dilemma and moved to sit on the bed and closer to me, helping me to drink water.

After drinking water and feel I could speak, I asked, ''What happened?''

The last thing I could remember was the Lycan god's words, and I blacked out.

''How did we get here?'' I asked, looking around, noticing we were in Conrad's room, which means we were in the Lycan's kingdom.

''Amelia teleported us back to the kingdom at the castle's entrance,'' Conrad answered, staying on the bed and placing the empty glass on the side stool.

''Amelia?'' I asked as an image of her fearful and paled face came to mind.

Conrad nodded, ''Yeah, she did.''

''what about Ryder?'' I asked, putting that matter aside because I remembered a witch named Dimitra helped Typhon to escape, and the hostility I saw from her towards my body was much.

And It seemed something happened when I was not in control.

At the mention of Ryder, Conrad didn't answer.

''He is here, healing.'' He said after a while.

I nodded and closed my eyes, resting my back on the headboard with pillows.

''You didn't ask yourself if you are okay, mate?'' Conrad said, taking my hand.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see our hands held together before looking at him.

''Am I okay?'' I said, not believing Conrad would tell me to ask myself that question.

''Yes, I should have asked you that question, but it seems stupid looking at you wrapped up in bandages when you are not okay at all,'' Conrad said.

I stared at him before saying, ''Of course I am okay.''

''We did not know about this battle, but we managed to defeat Typhon for now.'' I continued.

''Yeah, we did defeat him, I mean, people died, but we made it alive.'' My voice cracked at the end.

I didn't know what came over me, but I kept talking.

''A lot of Vampires died, including innocent children. It isn't my fault, right?''

''I overestimated myself, thinking I could defeat Typhon now, but when I felt him, the power he emitted from that body, although I am not sure if that's his actual body, I felt fear.''

''Fear that I thought I promised never to feel again after my abuse from the rosemoon pack,''

Conrad listened quietly without interrupting me and kept caressing my hand.

''The gods were right telling me that I am not ready for him, although I don't know what to be ready to them, I could see what they meant.''

''You almost died if I had not gotten there in time.'' At that sentence, I felt a tear trailing down my cheek and another before I started to cry.

Tears flowed down my cheek as I cried without stopping.

''I am weak, so weak.'' I cried softly.

''You are right, Conrad, I am not okay,'' I said between my tears.

''I am not okay,'' I repeated that short sentence as I cried.

As I was crying, I felt him embracing me as I cried into his chest.

Conrad patted me softly and left me to cry.

I sniffled, gently moving out of Conrad's embrace, and stared at his bandage, which became slightly wet from my tears.

''I can change it,'' Conrad assured me when he noticed my stare on his chest.

I nodded and avoided his stare because It was embarrassing to cry like a child.

'Pathetic,' I thought.

Conrad held my chin and turned my slightly red face to look at him.

''My mate, My queen, My Carmen. You are not weak,'' Conrad seriously said as he stared into my eyes.

''What you achieve so far is something no one can do. You left your abusive pack and became another person's child. You didn't stop there but continued to push yourself to be something.''

''That pathetic alpha rejected you, but you didn't kill yourself or despair when you felt the world was against you when you had no one, no wolf, mate, or family. You also became the famous SANGUINEX.''

''You also didn't despair about me ignoring you at first, and this is something no one can do.''

I stared at Conrad, who continued talking, and I listened quietly.

''Yes, people died. Do not forget none of these are your fault but the gods.''

''If they had killed Typhon, you would not be in this situation,''

''If they had killed him, my parents would not have died, and our first meeting would not be like that,''

''If they had killed him, he would not have attacked the vampires' territory.''

Conrad said those sentences and clenched his jaw in anger at the second one.

He cupped my cheek before leaning to peck me on the lips and said, ''So my dear mate, none of this was your fault.''

To be continued.....