Start The Plan

A man with a fine suit eating a bunch of toast alone. Great clothes, delicious food, and good drinks, but he ate them by himself. "Hah, come to think of that girl, why does Anthony must be upset when he knew that girl was still in college? Is that something bothering him? Or ….

"Morning, Bro!" a young and cheerful man in the white t-shirt and short blue pants downstairs greeted with a big smile.

"You look so happy today, unlike the previous days. Is there any something good?" asked Aaron, curious and suspicious of his little brother, Bryan Duke Elmer, a 25-year-old man who looks like a young boy at 18-year-old.

"Nope, still same. Feel heartbroken, ashamed, and betrayed!"

"Which girl made you crazy like this, my bro? Tell me." Asked Aaron with a big smile.

"And what will you gonna do when you knew it? Kill her?" Bryan raised his eyebrow.

"Haha, very funny. How impossible I could do that. No, I'm just curious since you've never been like this before. So, I wonder what kind of girl made you get crazy like this."

"She's pretty, unique, charming, and sexy."

"Hah, ordinary girl." Said Aaron drinking his coffee.

"Yeah, whatever! How about you? Heard, father has arranged another blind date between you and The Rome's. How was it?" smirk Bryan.

"Don't start, Bryan. You know I hate most of my personal life being meddled in with other people, even if it's our father." Aaron's expression immediately showed displeasure.

"Therefore, hurry up and get married. I'm also tired of always arranging blind dates for you but it fails."

"Father." Greet Bryan stood up to greet his father, John Elmer.

"Hmm, Aaron. I'll warn you again, if you can't bring the woman of your choice, then don't blame me if I'll cut your name off the Elmer Group's heir!"

"W-what? Why did Father say such a thing? Isn't that outrageous, Father?" Bryan spontaneously interrupted his father's words.

"And the same goes for you, Bryan!" John firmly pointed at his youngest son.

"What? I what?" Shock Bryan.

Aaron didn't seem to care about his father's deafening chatter in the morning. "You two talk about this, I'll go first," Aaron said, taking his coat which was draped over the dining chair.

"Hey, where are you going, Bro?" Bryan asked, holding Aaron's hand.

"As usual." His smile stepped out the door of the Elmer residence.

John shook his head and took a few deep breaths. Bryan, who is now sitting with his father, looks awkward. John, who realized that Bryan was not comfortable with him, immediately melted the tense atmosphere between the father and son.

"Bryan, you're not young anymore. How about you? Do you have a companion?" asked John bluntly.

"I haven't thought about it, Father. I'm quite happy where I am now." Bryan's lazy expression was evident when serving his father's conversation.

"I don't understand my children! What did I do wrong in the past to be cursed like this." John rubbed his face, looking at his youngest child with a sad look.

"Oh, Father ... come on, don't make that face in front of me. I still want to be alone, I don't want to rush. If you want a future son-in-law, why don't you just tell your brother to get married or ... Father, maybe the one who wants to remarry?" Bryan teased his father, laughing widely.

"This kid! I don't want to know anyway! Get married and give the Elmer family a child!" annoyed John.


At another place, Aaron who arrived at his private condo was greeted by Stephanie who was standing at the door of his golden condo.

"Good morning, Mr. Aaron." Stephanie lowered her head.

"Did you bring what I needed?"

"Yes, Sir. Everything is in this bag." Stephanie held up a large white bag with red stripes.

"Hmm, come in." Aaron and Stephanie step into the luxury condo belonging to the future Elmer Group successor. Sitting casually, Aaron asked Stephanie to take out the contents of the bag.

A wig with short black hair, glasses with oval frames, a snub nose, and an artificial mole covered with long hair, are Aaron's appearances that no one will ever see.

"Are you ... sure about this appearance, Sir?" Stephanie had doubts about Aaron's actions.

"Why? Are you doubting my abilities?" Aaron smirked.

"No, Sir. That's not what I meant. Just why are you so passionate about changing your appearance? Don't you think that with your original appearance, women easily like you?" Stephanie was constantly confused by the boss's behavior.

Trying on his wig, Aaron casually replied, "You have no idea how pathetic it is to be the most handsome person, Stephanie."

The personal assistant raised an eyebrow, trying to understand what Aaron was saying. Although she knew Aaron sometimes did things that were beyond the understanding of people around him, this was the craziest thing he had done while she was the personal assistant of the successor to the Elmer Group.

"I hope Mr. Aaron is successful in achieving your goal." Hump ​​Stephanie.

"I'm sure it will work!" confidently, Aaron replied. "What about the information I asked for? Have you got it?" Aaron has now turned into his serious mode-on.

"Yes, Sir. Please, you can check here." Stephanie handed Aaron a document.

"Hmm, great! Have you made sure the office doesn't know about this?"

"Yes, Sir. Mr. Nicky has also made sure no one in the office finds out about this," Stephanie said reassuringly.

"Hmm, great! You can go now."

"Yes, Sir."

After Stephanie left Aaron's condo, the man quickly changed his appearance. He turns out himself into someone that will never be seen by any woman. A big smile came out on his lips while said, "Let the games begin and we'll see who's going to be the winner. Me or you, father."

Aaron took the file Stephanie gave to him. He read every detail word in that file carefully. "She's quite good and fills my requirements. Brenda Carleta … beautiful name and beautiful face." Smirks Aaron without hesitation. "We'll see how you see me once you see me in my new look."