Never Been Dreaming Like This

The Elmer Family

The morning whistle echoing in the dining room of the Elmer family made Bryan and their father, John Duke Elmer watch Aaron with suspicious gazes. Both of them have "murder suspicious" about the eldest son because this is the first time Aaron behave in front of them.

"What makes you so cheerful today? Any make you happy?" asked John with his sharp glare.

"Nothing, Father. Just like the ordinary day." Aaron smiles with his beautiful tidy teeth.

John and his youngest son, Bryan glance at each other. They look like giving a "sign" through their eyes. "Ehem, Brother … how about your plan?" asked Bryan suddenly.

"Plan? What plan?" asked Aaron while enjoying his morning black coffee.

"Your prominent wife," later said Bryan.

"Heh, should you break my breakfast with this, dear my little brother?"

"Right! What Bryan said was right! When will you bring her to us?" John seems attractive.

"When the time is right, Father. I'll bring her to you."

"Don't make me keep waiting until my death comes, Aaron. You must keep your promise to me!" firm John pointed his silver spoon to Aaron's face.

"Don't worry, Father. I won't let you down."


"Uh, my head is dizzy. What happened last night?" Brenda woke up and saw the different room where she lived from the beginning. "Where is it? What place is it? Where am I?" Brenda thought while she was rolling her blue light eyes. "The clothes!" Brenda stood up suddenly and glared at her body, and saw the clothes she wore. "It's nothing changed, my clothes are still like yesterday, but why am I here?" She thought too much and made her head dizzy.

Knock … knock …

Brenda turned her attention to the knock on the door of the room she was in. "Who?" the girl asked.

"It's me, Anthony."

Quickly, Brenda opened the door to her room, and indeed, in front of her stood a man wearing casual clothes, a white t-shirt and ripped jeans with white silver hair ponytailed to the side and a body propped against a brick red door board. "Good morning, Miss Brenda, how was your sleep? Did you sleep well? Did you like your new room?" asked Anthony like a cop interrogating a criminal.

"I love it, Mr. Anthony. I like this room, although I'm still comfortable with my previous one." Brenda said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Huh? Why? Isn't it interesting? Not spacious or not pretty? Just tell me and I'll prepare the room according to your wishes."

"What? H-how is that possible, Mr. Anthony? I-I...."

"For the price, you don't have to think about it, because someone has paid a very high price for your room." Anthony smiled as his hand flew to the ends of Brenda's brunette hair.

"Someone? Who? Who is he, Mr. Anthony?" Brenda was surprised and very curious.

"You don't need to know, my dear Brenda. Think of this as your own home. You will be entertained and welcomed here with open arms." Anthony's smile again now turned his body.

"How can ... how can that be, Mr. Anthony!" Brenda cried, clenching her fists against her bedroom door.

"Why not? As long as money talks, I don't mind. Because-"

"For what, Mr. Anthony?" Brenda emphatically cut off Anthony's words.

Glancing with bright blue eyes like warm St.Tropez, Anthony then brought his face closer to Brenda and almost made the girl scared and embarrassed. "I'm not the type of person who likes to give things away for free. You should be grateful for your mediocre face, there are still clients who generously throw money away for your sake! Therefore, don't disappoint me, especially my important client!" Anthony's eyes are now scary! The look in his eyes seemed to pierce straight into his heart and break his lungs.

Brenda was silent and lowered her head. Now, her hands were clenched tightly and in a trembling voice, Brenda said, "What is this place? What do the women do here and this dress ...." Brenda lifted the hem of her right dress, "What … do you think I am? a whore, huh?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"You're really innocent, Miss Brenda. Did you realize it now or is your IQ only limited to the tip of my pinky?" Anthony grinned with satisfaction. "Come on, don't argue with me so much in the morning! I don't like people who spoil my mood in the morning. Come on down and have breakfast!" Anthony ordered to turn around again.

Brenda slowly closed the bedroom door and immediately slammed, threw, and hit the pillows on the medium size bed. The annoyed face coupled with Anthony's very different attitude from the first time she met, really made her sick! She looked around her new room, no windows! Only the air conditioner, a brown wooden wardrobe, a light brown nightstand, a few paintings he knew were from the past, and a medium-sized mirror with a dressing table in it.

Knock... knock…

'Hah, who else is nodding at me! If it's Anthony, I'll beat him to the punch!" annoyed, Brenda headed for her bedroom door again and suddenly she saw some nice and expensive clothes hanging in a clothes trolley in front of her eyes.

"W-what is this?" Surprised Brenda.

"Good morning, Miss Brenda. Mr. Anthony told me to bring you all these clothes." Said a man in black clothes looking friendly.

"E-for me? But why?" asked Brenda in disbelief.

"I don't know either, Miss. But, believe me, you better accept all this, or there will be consequences that await you," the man said flatly but somehow seemed full of threats.

Finally, Brenda couldn't help but accept the trolley full of fine, luxurious, and expensive clothes. Clothing consists of several evening dresses, cocktails, parties, T-shirts with bright colors and the latest models, trousers, shorts, skirts, and some hats commonly worn by the nobility.

'What is this? Why do I feel so awkward about all this?' murmured Brenda standing limply at something she had never imagined before. "Before, I couldn't even buy a t-shirt. But now...." Brenda rubbed a plain white satin shirt while sobbing, the girl remembered how her life used to be when she was with the Broody family. Even though it was only for a short time and sometimes they treated her harshly, Brenda was still grateful that at least she had a family.

Secretly, Anthony watched all of Brenda's attitudes through the surveillance camera installed in a hidden place in his new room. A grinning face, a smile, and sometimes an annoying squeak, Anthony showed when he saw Brenda's attitude. "Hah, I can't believe 'that guy' prepared this detail! Looks like this is going to be something interesting. If ... if I played with the little rabbit ... what would he do, huh?" the grin on the owner's androgyny face couldn't be hidden yet smirks.