I am calling you Kotik

The confusion on Anans face didnt need a news caster to broadcast for Ethan. Her brows wrinkled softly and the space between them also wrinkled.. she opens her mouth to speak but couldn't get any word out and simply stares back at the man.

"I don't get it." She didnt get why he would bring up a Russian endearment now when she was expecting him to draw the line so clearly for her and scold her for being too forward. The car parked outside Grand Dinos Tacos and Ana stares at the entrance of the restaurant feeling her mouth start to water at the thought of the marvelous Tacos sold inside. "Why would anyone make cat an endearing name?" She asks her gaze on the restaurant.

Ethan gabs her chin softly and turns her head towards him. He watched her reluctantly tear her gaze away from the restaurant and back to him. "I don't know too. Maybe it was made for employees who rush Iver their bosses lap just to check for food."