His love life sounds pathetic

Just to be cock sure, Ana still opens the bag and checks the Tacos before smiling at him. Her miserable expression now gone from her face.

"Thank you." She mutters and they begin to walk towards the dining.

As usual, Ethan made sure to get the door while Ana slipped in clutching the handle of the tacos bag she was holding. She couldn't help but do that whenever he offers to get the door for her.

They waited at the table while the workers brought them plates and drinks to go with. Ana eyes the orange juice she so much loves ad moves it closer to herself. It was obvious from the way she placed the tacos in her plate and smiled at it that she was excited to eat. Ethan could barely finish one but had been cajoled into getting two so he shifts one from his plate to hers.

Ana raised her head and gave him her puppy eyes.

"Boss...you really need that boss of the year award."