A taste of the Kings energy

Ana swallwos hard and squeezed the mans hand. Just as he had called the King a prick, the King had also called him stupid. Is this some sort of cousin or bro bonding?


"Hmm...are you fine?"

She nods her head and he glanced down at their hands that were connected. She could see a ghost of smile on his face when he tells her. "Your hand is so small."

Ana became self conscious and moves forwarda little leaving the man no choice but to follow. "No it is not." She then moves closer to him a little and whispers. "I have to say he isnt what I was expecting. Good genes do run in your family."

Ethan paused in his step and so did the King. "You think he is handsome?"

"Yes. He is very good looking." She admits.

"And me?"

"Boss...you know you are breathtaking. Do I have to say it?" She raised a brow and regards the man with a mocking expression.