You slept with Ana

Ana thought she would ask him to find her a room that was considerably far from his. Perhaps one that wasnt even in his penthouse, lest perverted Ana appears and decides to strike again.

She hadn't gotten the chance to speak when Marcey appears from across. She was dressed in skinny jeans and a crop top compared to her usual office dresses. It made her look carefree but also dangerous.

"Step in to do what?" She asked, her gaze directly on Ethan.

"Good morning Miss Marcey. I didnt know you come to work on Sundays."

She averted her gaze from Ethan and smiles at Ana. A very fake one. "What is good about the morning Ana? Someone was getting killed and I wonder where Ethan could have been. I rushed over early this morning only to see he isnt even in the house. Where do you think he could have slept?" She riased a brow at Ana and the lady took a cautious step backward.

It seem that Miss Marcey is currently in angry sister mode.