More of a terrorist than a protector

More of a terrorist than a protector

She coukd hear the Kings short laughter even though she was focused on her food. What was he talking about? Which history were they trying to re create? Did it mean the whole court was in on what Rebecca did? Shouldn't that be considered a crime?

"I can't really say much now can I? Afterall you my subject knows the feeling the most." He didnt let Ethan respond before he continues. "The court is worried about the recent killings. Nothing of such has happened in before. Well before you hired an assistant. And we are all just worried. We know how much you care for your people."

Even Ana didnt understand what he meant by his rubbish words stringed together.

But it seems Ethan got it clear and nice. "Okay. That I might have gotten angry at a few humans who had dared to belittle my Ana or insult her in any way and decided to kill them in the middle of the night or whatnot right?"