You are not the first man in love

The man quickly opens the file on his computer and checks the order.

"Three minutes past Seven this morning. She beat you to it and got most of our cartons for today."

"Yea...yea she did." He then hangs up and signals for Ana to come in. She walks towards him sitting at his desk and stops a feet away. "Do you think you were awake around seven this morning?"

She frowns and gives him the bad eye. "If you are trying to point out the fact that I woke up late, then you dont need to. I already know. But it is a Sunday, I am allowed to sleep in."

He shakes his head and grabs her left hand pulling her closer so that he had to raise his head to really look into her eyes. "You are allowed to sleep in whenever you want. I just want to know if you were awake around that time."

She shakes her head. "I don't think I was awake around seven thirty. We woke up really late. I mean just look at the time. It proves it all."