You seem to be stealing my woman. Again.

Dmirtri seem to be thinking about ti for some seconds before saying. "Just for the power? Ethan would have been more powerful. The position? He was bound to be King."

She shakes her head. He didnt seem to understand what she was talking about. "She would have waited to be with a powerful Ethan because he wouldn't be the king right away would je? You would still be in position. What if you decide to use your power and position to wage a war against them? Love is sweet but what is a love where you can't have peace of mind. Ethan is obviously powerless against you. And she knows it too."

He had a weak his face when he stared back at the scene. "I knew she was being rational when she chose me." But he didn't think it was because of that..or maybe he knew and refused to accept it on his mind. After all he too wants to belive she genuinely loves him.