Robert invited me to a party


**ASH** gathers her teammates during the 5-minute break to strategize and motivate them for the second half.


Alright, everyone! We've got a tough competition on our hands, but we're not backing down. Remember, we've trained hard for this moment. Let's stick to our game plan, communicate effectively, and support each other on the field. We've got the skills to win this!


Ash is right, guys. We can do this! We've faced challenges before, and we've come out on top. Let's focus on our teamwork and give it our all!


And remember, every tackle, every pass, every shot counts. Let's give them a match they won't forget!


We're not just a team; we're a family. We've got each other's backs, and that's what makes us unbeatable!

The team huddles up, their determination evident in their eyes.

**TEAM** (chanting):

One team, one goal!

The whistle blows, and the second half begins. Both teams charge back into the game with renewed energy.

**ASH** and **ALI**, the two captains, face off on the field, each leading their team with fierce determination. The competition intensifies as players sprint, pass, and shoot, giving it their all to outperform their opponents.

The crowd roars with excitement, their cheers filling the air. The atmosphere is electric as the match reaches its climax.

In the final minutes of the game, the score remains tied, and tension hangs in the air. The players push themselves to the limit, showcasing remarkable teamwork and skill.


The match is in full swing, and both teams are putting up a tough fight. **ASH** and **ALI** huddle up, discussing their strategy.


Their defense system is incredibly strong. We need to change our strategy if we want to win this.


You're absolutely right. Let's take a quick break, rest up, and come back stronger.

The team takes a breather, rehydrating and regaining their focus. As the second half begins, **ASH** addresses

Back on the field, **ASH** takes charge, leading the offense and attempting to break through the strong defense. However, the opposing team's tactics prove challenging to overcome.

**ALI** approaches **ASH** during a break.


It's not working, Ash. We need a change in plan.


You're right, Ali. We can't keep banging our heads against the same wall. Let's switch things up.

Ali went out ,they take 5 mint break. When 5 minutes passed they asked for Ali then Ash said she knows where he is and she went old library saws Ali praying and Asking help From Creator of Everything **ALLAH**.She was surprised to see him praying.

When he completed his prayer ,Ash said are you ready to shine captain.

Ali: laughs and said we will win INSHALLAH. He said why not she said something before when she came already.

Ash: beacuse I don't wanted to disturb you while you were doing something important. But what does INSHALLAH means.

Ali: It means if ALLAH wanted.

Ash: Who Is ALLAH?

ALi : he is creator of universe and everything include earth water living and non-visible things. He gives us food and cloths and houses.

Ash: Interesting i wanted to know manythings but after match.Shall we go.

ALi: sure.

With determination, **ALI* devises a new strategy.*.


Ash, it's your time to shine! Get ready.


(looking nervous) But how can I score from this position?


(calmly) Ash, you've practiced for this very moment. Trust in your training.

**ASH** takes the initiative, creating an opening and passing the ball to **ALI**. With precision, **ALI** kicks the ball.

**Ali** positions himself, focusing intensely. The ball approaches, and with a swift and powerful kick, he sends it flying into the goal.

The crowd erupts in cheers as the scoreboard changes in their favor. The team celebrates the hard-earned victory, knowing that their teamwork and dedication have paid off.


(smiling) We did it.


(overjoyed) That was amazing, Ali! You nailed it!

Their hard work and collaboration have led to an incredible victory.


(to the team) This win is a testament to our unity and determination. You all played your hearts out, and I couldn't be prouder to lead this team.


(to **ASH**) You were incredible out there, Ash. Your leadership truly inspired us.


(smiling) Thanks, Ash, for giving me the chance to shine.I wanted to apologise for last night.I will not insist you for relationship.

Ash: If you understand then its fine.

As the celebrations continue, the team's camaraderie and sportsmanship shine brightly. The victory is a shared triumph, a result of their unwavering efforts and the bond they've built on.

**ROBERT**, the opposing team's captain, approaches them.


(laughing) Oh, come on, it was just luck. We'll get you next time.


(smiling) Your team put up a great fight, Robert. There were moments we thought we might lose.


(smirking) I've heard quite a bit about you. I'm hosting a party at my place tonight. You two have to come.


(excitement) We'll definitely be there!


(slightly disappointed) I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. My car's in the shop.


(determined) No worries, I'll pick you up.


(looking at **ASH**) Only you two are invited, so make sure you're not fashionably late. See you later, champs!


(nods) See you.

**CRIS**, the coach, approaches **ASH** and **ALI**.


Congratulations, you two. You fought hard out there.


Thank you, sir. But today was quite a challenge.


Yeah, it was definitely a tough game.


Well, it's victories like these that make the hard work worth it.


**ASH** and **ALI** head towards **ASH**'s car.


Hey, Ali, do you want a ride home?


(smiling) Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go by myself.


(grinning) Wow, the first person to decline my offer.


(laughing) No offense, but I'm just really tired and could use some alone time.


(smirking) Alright, Mr. Independent. But I'm still going to give you a ride.


(chuckles) Well, if you insist.

**ASH** and **ALI** get into the car, and **ASH** drives off, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.


**ASH** enters her house, feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement after the match.

**KALI** jumps out from behind a corner.


(grinning) Surprise! You disappeared without a word.


(laughing) You got me there. Thanks for today's support. Guess what? Robert invited me and Ali to his house for a party.


(raising an eyebrow) You're really stepping into new territory, huh? You usually venture into parties solo.


(smiling) Well, this time might be different. I'll check with Robert and see if he's okay with it.

**ASH**'s phone rings. It's **ROBERT**.


(excited) Speak of the devil, he's calling.


(grinning) Put it on speaker!

**ROBERT**'s voice comes through the phone.


(teasing) My dear, I have a special announcement for you.


(playfully) Oh, I have a favor to ask too.


(interested) Okay, shoot.


(smiling) Can I bring a friend along to your party?


(enthusiastic) Of course! The more, the merrier. This party is for you, after all.


(chuckling) I'm flattered. So, what's the favor?


(grinning) I've got a little gift for you. It's something special. If you wear it tonight, I'll be thrilled.


(teasing) Well, I'll consider it if I like it.


(excited) Perfect! See you tonight.


(smiling) Bye.


(raising an eyebrow) Romantic dinner, huh?


(confused) But why is he inviting Ali and the others if he's trying to make it romantic?


(teasing) Maybe he's just ensuring you have an audience.


(sighing) He's a nice guy, though. And he's got the looks, that perfect body... I'm not surprised people fall for him.


(smiling) Well, maybe you'll change your mind about dating after all.


(skeptical) We'll see. Right now, I just want to relax and have a good time tonight.


(nudging her) Just go with the flow, Ash. Who knows what might happen?


(grinning) You're right, Kali. Let's see where the night takes us.