Ali take her bullet


Ash stands in the dimly lit office, a sense of disillusionment and anger filling the air. Ali's teammates discreetly exit the room, leaving the two of them alone. Ali, with a solemn expression, offers Ash a glass of water. She doesn't take it, her eyes locked on him.



Ali, what... what was that in there?


(Calm, trying to explain)

Those were the men responsible for hurting you, Ash. I had to make them pay for what they did.

Ash's anger doesn't dissipate. Instead, it simmers beneath the surface.



That's not what I meant. Who are you, Ali? Who are you really?

Ali hesitates for a moment, then heaves a sigh.



I'm your brother, Ash. You know that.



No, I don't know that anymore. All this time, I thought we had something real, something genuine. But it turns out, it was all a charade. My father hired you to protect me, and you got close to me because of it.

Ali looks pained, realizing the depth of her feelings of betrayal.



I never lie to you, Ash. I cared about you from the start but as a brother and i never had intention to get close to you.


(Shaking her head)

Caring? Or just doing your job? I can't live with a liar, Ali.

Tears well up in her eyes as she turns away from him, her heart heavy with disappointment. Ali watches her, knowing that he has lost her trust, possibly forever.


Ali clutches his wounded arm, wincing in pain, while Ash stands before him, her eyes filled with a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion.


(Visibly distraught)

You lied to me, Ali. You deceived me into thinking we had something real. How can I ever trust you again?


(Grimacing in pain)

Ash, it's not about the money or the job. I... I genuinely care about you. What I did was wrong, but please, don't get me wrong i told you about me before that i can't be your boyfriend or friend remember and i never wanted to get your hopes high.



So i am only wrong to having hope write, Ali? You wanted to hurt me even more? You had every opportunity to tell me the truth, and you didn't.

Ali takes a step closer to Ash, his wounded arm hanging at his side.



I didn't have a choice back then. But now, I'm choosing to be honest with you. I wanted to protect you Ash. You mean more to me than anything else.

Ash, still wrestling with her emotions, can't help but look into Ali's eyes, searching for any sincerity.



I trusted you, Ali, and you broke that trust. I can't just forget everything and pretend it never happened.

Ali, desperate to prove his sincerity, reaches out:



Sister, please, I know I messed up. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it right. I can't lose you.

Ash's hand trembles in his, torn between her love for him and the hurt he caused.

Ash stands there, her trembling hands holding Ali's gun. Tears glisten in her eyes as anger and betrayal course through her.



How could you, Ali? How could you lie to me like this?

Ali takes a cautious step toward her, his voice pleading.



Ash, it's not what you think. I never wanted to hurt you.

Ash's finger tightens on the trigger, and a gunshot rings out. Ali reacts instantly, lunging toward her. The bullet grazes his arm as he wrestles the gun from her grip.



No, Ali!

Ali manages to disarm her but not before taking a painful shot to the arm. He drops the gun to the floor and winces in pain.



Oh my God, Ali, I didn't mean to... I just could have doge.

Ali, clutching his bleeding arm, tries to reassure her.



It's... it's okay, Ash. I'm not here to hurt you. I promise.

He stumbles back, clutching his injured arm. Ash rushes to his side, torn between anger and concern.



I don't know who you are anymore, Ali.

Ali's face contorts with pain, but he manages to speak softly.



I'm the man who protects you, Ash. And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right.

They sit there, wounded in more ways than one, their relationship hanging in the balance.


While Ali's teammates tend to his wound in the background, Ash stands alone in the dimly lit room, lost in her thoughts. Her heart aches with confusion and betrayal, and she battles the inner turmoil of her emotions.


(whispering to herself)

Did he really take that bullet for me? Does he care about me that much?

Her mind races with conflicting thoughts. She recalls all the moments they shared, the laughter, the stolen glances, and the times he made her feel safe. But now, the revelation of his true identity casts a shadow of doubt over everything.



Or is he just doing all this because he's been ordered to protect me?

She knows she can't stay in this state of uncertainty forever. Once Ali is healed, she'll have to make a decision about their relationship, one that could change both their lives irreversibly.


Ali's teammates enter the room, their expressions a mix of concern and relief. Ash looks up at them, her eyes still moist from her earlier worries.



He's a tough one, you know. Always acting so strong, but he cares about you more than anything.

Ash nods, touched by their sincerity.


Thank you for taking care of him. I... I didn't understand before, but now I see that he's not just protecting me because he has to.



He's been through a lot, and he's had to build walls to survive. But you... you might be the one to tear them down.

They exchange a knowing look, acknowledging that this situation has brought a significant change in both Ali and Ash's perspectives.



I just hope he can forgive me for not trusting him completely.


(pats her shoulder)

Don't worry. If anyone can break through to him, it's you.

With that, they leave the room, leaving Ash alone with Ali as she contemplates the newfound complexities of their relationship.

Ash sits patiently by Ali's bedside, her gaze fixed on his face. The room is dimly lit, and the tension is palpable as she awaits his awakening. Time seems to slow down, and her thoughts are a whirlwind of emotions.

The words of Ali's teammates echo in her mind, and she can't help but wonder if she's been too hasty in her judgment. She replays their moments together, the genuine concern in his eyes when he took that bullet meant for her.

Finally, Ali stirs, his eyelids fluttering open. He blinks a few times, adjusting to the light, and then he sees Ash sitting there, worry etched on her face.




She leans closer, relief washing over her.



You're awake. How are you feeling?

Ali attempts a smile.


Better now that I see you.

They lock eyes, and in that moment, Ash realizes that maybe there's more to Ali than she initially thought. She might have to reconsider her stance on their relationship.