What will Ali reveal about Ash's mysterious departure?


Ali and Ash walk together in the university campus, a sense of normalcy returning to their lives. Kali and Zyan notice the change, sharing smiles as they see their friends happy again.

Robert approaches Ali, seeking a moment alone.


Hey, Ali, can we talk for a minute?


Sure, what's on your mind?

Robert offers a sincere apology, expressing regret for past misunderstandings. Ash, observing from a distance, nods approvingly.Ash is welcomed back with cheers and applause from her classmates. Ryan, having organized a party, hands her a bouquet of flowers.


Welcome back, Ash! We missed you.



The room is filled with laughter and music as Ash enjoys her return celebration. Ali and Robert, having reconciled, share a nod of understanding, putting the past behind them for Ash's sake.

The lively party continues inside as Ash, holding the mysterious letter, tries to compose herself. The handsome stranger approaches her.



Will you be my girl?



I... don't think so ,i have a boyfriend.

The stranger leaves with a cryptic message, leaving Ash in a state of bewilderment. Meanwhile, Ali and Robert, unaware of the encounter, are about to enter the party.As Ash stands outside, visibly distressed, and Ali and Robert spot her.



Ash, is everything alright?


I'm just not feeling well. I think I'll stay out here for a bit.


If you're not feeling well, maybe we should head home.


No, no, I've missed my friends. I'll be fine. You guys go back in.

Ali and Robert exchange a concerned look but decide to respect her wishes.Amidst the music and laughter, Ash continues to decline drinks, Ali grows more concerned. He approaches her, trying to engage in conversation.


(leaning in)

Hey, is everything alright? You seem a bit distant.


(avoiding eye contact)

I'm just not in the mood for drinking tonight.

Ali senses there's more to it but decides not to press further in the middle of the crowded party.He takes her home.


*Ash, with a conflicted expression, sits on the couch. Ali stands nearby, concern etched across his face.*


(looking into Ash's eyes)

Ash, I can sense something's not right. Please, talk to me.


(avoiding eye contact)

Ali, it's nothing. I want to be with you, but... it's not safe.



I can handle whatever it is, Ash. We promised to face everything together.


(looking down)

It involves danger, Ali. I can't risk your life. I need to handle this alone.

*Ali, frustrated and worried, paces around the room.*



Ash, we can find a way. I can't stand the thought of you facing something alone.



It's to protect you, Ali. I can't lose you.

*Ali, torn between his love for Ash and the fear for her safety, takes a deep breath.*



Whatever it is, Ash, we'll find a solution together. I can't let you face it alone.

*Ash, overwhelmed by emotions, looks at Ali, silently thanking him for his unwavering support.*The room falls silent after Ash's revelation. Ali, struggling to contain his emotions, finally speaks.*



Pause? What do you mean, Ash? You can't just drop a bomb like that and expect everything to be okay.



Ali, I can't explain everything now. It's complicated, and I need time to sort things out.


(voice rising)

Complicated or not, we promised to face everything together. Now you want to hit the pause button?

*Ali, feeling betrayed and hurt, storms towards the door.*



Ali, why are you getting possessive again? Just act as a brother, ok?

*Ali, without turning back, opens the door.*



I can't be in a relationship that hits pause when things get tough. Figure it out, Ash.

*The door slams shut, leaving Ash alone in the dimly lit room.*



*Kali and friends sit at their usual table, exchanging concerned glances as Ali's absence becomes more noticeable.*



Something's off with Ali. He didn't show up for class today.



Yeah, and he didn't respond to any messages. Even during basketball practice, he seemed distracted.

*The friends share worried looks, unaware of the unfolding drama in Ali and Ash's relationship.*Ash and Ali sit separately, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy. Kali and Zack approach Ash with concern evident on their faces.*


Ash, seriously, what's happening? We've never seen Ali like this.


(avoiding eye contact)

It's just... personal stuff. Don't worry about it.

*Meanwhile, Ali's friends gather around him, sharing puzzled looks.*


(leaning in)

Ali, man, you've been acting strange. Everything okay?



Just some things on my mind. It's nothing you guys need to worry about.

*Both groups of friends exchange glances, sensing that there's more to the story than they're being told.*


*Ali, watching from a distance, observes as a luxurious car pulls up. His concern deepens.*


(muttering to himself)

Where is she going?

*The car door opens, and Ash steps in. Ali, torn between curiosity and respect for her space, decides not to follow.Ali, visibly distracted, barely registers the lecture. Robert notices his friend's troubled state.*



Hey, Ali, everything okay?

*Simultaneously, Kali and Zack approach, sensing something is amiss.*



Where's Ash? Do you know?

*Ali, caught off guard, struggles to keep his emotions in check.*


What will Ali reveal about Ash's mysterious departure?


*Kali and Zack, determined to find Ash, search every corner of the campus. They inquire with classmates and check common hangout spots.*


(to Zack)

She wouldn't just vanish like this. Something's not right.



Agreed. Let's keep looking.


Maybe she just needs a break ,don't overthink guys.

*Meanwhile, Ali, torn between worry and his own troubles, contemplates whether he should join the search.*


Will Ali decide to actively join the search for Ash, or will he grapple with his own concerns?