Will Ash heart change?


(A strikingly handsome man arrives at the hospital entrance, flanked by a team of guards. His presence commands attention as he steps out of his car with an air of authority.)

(The guards form a protective barrier around him as he strides confidently towards the hospital entrance. His demeanor exudes power and influence, leaving bystanders intrigued by his presence.)

(ROBERT, watching from a distance, observes the arrival of the mysterious man and his entourage. He senses that something significant is unfolding and remains vigilant, determined to uncover the truth.)


ROBERT: (approaching the handsome man) Hey, sorry to bother you. I think we went to school together, didn't we?

Jack: (turns to face Robert, a hint of recognition crossing his features) Oh, Robert, right? It's been a while. How have you been?

ROBERT: Yeah, that's me. I've been good, thanks. What brings you here?

Jack: (smiles faintly) Just visiting my grandma. She's not feeling too well, so I thought I'd drop by and check on her. How about you?

ROBERT: (nods) I see. I'm here with a friend. She had a minor injury while playing basketball, so we're getting her checked out.

Jack: (concerned) I hope it's nothing serious.

ROBERT: (shrugs) Yeah, hopefully not. Thanks. Anyway, I won't keep you. Take care of your grandma.

Jsck: Thanks, Robert. See you around.

(Robert watches as the handsome man enters the hospital, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious encounter.)


ROBERT: (approaching JACK) Hey, Jack, right? I was wondering, since we're both here, could I meet your grandma? I hope she feels better soon.

JACK: (smirks) Oh, you want to meet my grandma? Well, she's in room 205. But, you know, she's not really up for visitors.

ROBERT: (feigning concern) Oh, I understand. Just thought I'd say hi. Take care, man.

(Robert, now more suspicious, heads toward room 205, curious about what he might find.)


JACK: (leading Robert to a table) Let's grab some coffee first. It's been a while since we caught up.

ROBERT: (sitting down) Yeah, sure. So, how's everything with you?

JACK: (nonchalantly) Oh, you know, just busy with work and stuff. (sips coffee) So, what brings you to the hospital today?

ROBERT: (hesitant) Oh, just checking up on someone.

JACK: (raises eyebrow) Someone special?

ROBERT: (evading) Just a friend. How about you? Who's your grandma again?

JACK: (smirks) My grandma? Oh, she's doing fine. Thanks for asking. (changes subject) Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about this friend of yours.

(Robert, feeling uneasy, tries to steer the conversation away from his own visit to the hospital.)


(Jack and Robert enter the hospital room where Jack's grandma is resting. She appears to be in good spirits despite her hospitalization.)

ROBERT: (greeting Jack's grandma) Hello, Mrs. Smith. How are you feeling?

MRS. SMITH: (smiling weakly) Oh, hello, Robert. I'm hanging in there. It's good to see you.

ROBERT: Likewise, Mrs. Smith. (glances at Jack)

JACK: (to Mrs. Smith) Grandma, this is my friend Robert. He dropped by to say hello.

MRS. SMITH: (nodding) Nice to meet you, Robert. Thank you for visiting.

ROBERT: (politely) Of course, Mrs. Smith. How's your recovery going?

MRS. SMITH: Slowly but surely. I'll be back on my feet in no time. (pauses) Oh, but enough about me. Jack tells me you have a friend here in the hospital too.

ROBERT: (caught off guard) Oh, yes, just a friend. Nothing serious.

JACK: (sensing Robert's discomfort) Well, Robert, we should let Grandma rest now. We don't want to tire her out.

(They bid Mrs. Smith goodbye and exit the room.)

ROBERT: (curious) Jack, I couldn't help but notice the heavy security outside. Why the need for so much protection?

JACK: (casually) Oh, you know how it is, Robert. Grandma's got some government connections. Can't be too careful these days.

(They head towards the hospital's exit, Robert still feeling uneasy about the situation.)


(Jack and Robert walk side by side, the sun casting long shadows across the courtyard.)

ROBERT: So, Jack, do you have a special someone in your life?

JACK: (chuckles) Well, there was this girl back in high school. She was my crush for the longest time.

ROBERT: What happened?

JACK: Life happened, you know? We drifted apart after graduation, and I never really got over her.

ROBERT: (nodding sympathetically) I understand. Sometimes those feelings linger longer than we expect.

JACK: Exactly. What about you, Robert? Anyone special caught your eye lately?

ROBERT: (hesitant) Well, there's this girl at university. Her name's Ash. She's incredible, but... I don't think she sees me the same way.

JACK: (intrigued) Ah, unrequited love. I know the feeling. But why do you say that?

ROBERT: (gesturing vaguely) It's complicated. She's not really looking for a relationship, and lately, I've noticed her getting closer to someone else—Ali.

JACK: (raising an eyebrow) Ali, huh? That's interesting. Do you know him?

ROBERT: (nodding) Yeah, he's in our class. Seems like a decent guy, but... (trails off, looking troubled)

JACK: (noticing Robert's unease) You okay, buddy?

ROBERT: (forces a smile) Yeah, just... overthinking things, I guess. Anyway, thanks for listening, Jack.

JACK: (patting Robert on the back) Anytime, Robert. We'll figure it out together.

(They continue their stroll, lost in their thoughts.)


(Robert and Jack enter the hospital room where Ash is sitting on the bed, looking tired but relieved.)

ROBERT: Ash, are you okay?

ASH: (forcing a smile) Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired.

ROBERT: (noticing Jack) Oh, sorry, Ash, this is Jack. He's a friend from high school. Jack, this is Ash.

JACK: (extending his hand) Nice to meet you, Ash.

ASH: (shaking his hand) Likewise, Jack. Thanks for dropping by.

JACK: No problem. I heard you got admitted, so I thought I'd come and see how you're doing.

ASH: (appreciative) That's really kind of you. And thanks for the compliment earlier.

JACK: (smiling) You always were pretty, Ash.

ROBERT: (curious) How do you two know each other?

JACK: We went to high school together.

ROBERT: Ah, I see. Well, Ash, Ali was really worried about you. He's been trying to reach you.

ASH: (sighs) I know, I should call him. But... (hesitates) My dad just got back from his trip, and I promised to pick him up from the airport.

ROBERT: (concerned) Is everything okay with your dad?

ASH: (nodding) Yeah, he's fine. Just tired from the trip. But I should head out soon to go get him.

ROBERT: (understanding) Of course. Let us know if you need anything, Ash.

ASH: Thanks, Robert. I appreciate it.

(Jack and Robert exchange a glance as Ash gathers her things to leave.)


(Ash sits in the passenger seat of Jack's luxurious car, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the opulence around her. Jack drives smoothly through the city streets, occasionally stealing glances at Ash.)

ASH: (smiling) Jack, this is all so... unexpected. I didn't know we were going to a party.

JACK: (smirking) I like to keep things interesting. And besides, you deserve a night of luxury after everything you've been through.

ASH: (grateful) Thank you, Jack. But you really didn't have to do all this for me.

JACK: (chuckling) Nonsense. It's my pleasure. Besides, I wanted to spend some quality time with you.

(Ash blushes slightly, feeling flattered by Jack's attention.)


(The grand palace is adorned with elegant decorations and soft lighting, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Ash stands in awe as Jack leads her through the opulent halls.)

ASH: (impressed) Wow, Jack. This place is incredible.

JACK: (smiling proudly) Welcome to my humble abode. I'm glad you like it.

(They enter a beautifully decorated ballroom where a small gathering awaits them. Ash recognizes some of Jack's friends from high society.)

ASH: (whispering to Jack) Is this party just for us?

JACK: (grinning) Indeed it is, my dear. I wanted to show you a night of extravagance and spoil you a little.

(Ash smiles, feeling touched by Jack's gesture. They spend the evening dancing, laughing, and enjoying each other's company in the lavish surroundings of the palace.)