Handsome guy pick her up


(ASH, ALI, KALI, ZACK, and ROBERT are all gathered in the kitchen, preparing breakfast together. They're laughing and chatting as they cook and clean.)

ASH: (chuckling) Ali, don't put too much salt in the eggs this time.

ALI: (grinning) I learned my lesson last time, don't worry. Zack, could you pass me the spatula?

ZACK: Sure thing.

(KALI and ROBERT are wiping down the counters and setting the table.)

KALI: It's nice to have everyone pitching in together like this.

ROBERT: Yeah, feels like a real family.

(They finish preparing breakfast, and the aroma fills the kitchen.)

ASH: (smiling) Breakfast looks amazing, guys. Thanks for all your help.

ALI: (proudly) Anything for you, Ash.

(They all gather around the table, ready to enjoy their meal before heading off to university.)


(The group of friends, including ASH, ALI, KALI, RYAN, ZACK, and ROBERT, are gathered at the basketball court. They're dividing into two teams for a friendly game.)

RYAN: Alright, let's split into teams. Kali, you're with me. Zack, Robert, and Ash, you guys are on our team.

ROBERT: (smirking) Looks like we've got the winning team right here.

ASH: (teasingly) Oh, we'll see about that.

(They start the game, with both teams playing enthusiastically. Ash and Robert share some banter as they play.)

ASH: (dribbling the ball) Ready to lose, Robert?

ROBERT: (defiantly) Not a chance, Ash. You're looking at the winning team right here.

(As the game progresses, both teams show off their skills, and the competition heats up.)

ALI: (defending) Come on, team, let's step up our defense!

KALI: (encouragingly) We've got this, guys! Keep pushing!

(The game continues, with both teams giving it their all until the final buzzer.)


(After the basketball game, ASH is nursing a minor injury in the nursing room. ALI is there with her, tending to her wound as the doctor is absent.)

ALI: (gently cleaning the wound) It's not too bad, just a little scrape. You'll be fine.

ASH: (smiling faintly) Thanks, Ali. I appreciate it.

(ASH is visibly touched by ALI's care, and she gazes at him with gratitude.)

ALI: (noticing her stare) What's wrong? Does it hurt?

ASH: (shaking her head) No, it's not that. I'm just... grateful for your help. Thank you for taking care of me.

(ALI smiles warmly, his concern evident.)

ALI: (softly) Of course, Ash. I'll always be here for you.

(He continues to tend to her wound, ensuring she's comfortable and at ease. They share a moment of quiet companionship as ASH rests, comforted by ALI's presence.)


(After tending to ASH's wound, ALI stays by her side in the nursing room. ASH, feeling a bit guilty for causing concern, decides to let him rest and catch up on sleep.)

ASH: (softly) Ali, you can sleep if you want. I'll be fine here.

ALI: (hesitant) Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone.

ASH: (smiling reassuringly) I'll be okay. You look tired; you should rest.

(ALI reluctantly agrees and settles down in a chair beside ASH's bed. He soon falls asleep, exhausted from the day's events.)


(After a while, their friends, sensing the need for privacy, quietly leave the nursing room, giving ASH and ALI some space to resolve their issues.)

KALI: (whispering to the others) Let's give them some time alone. They'll figure things out.

(The friends nod in agreement and quietly exit the hallway, leaving ASH and ALI undisturbed.)


(ASH watches over ALI as he sleeps, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. She knows they need to talk and resolve their issues, but for now, she's content to have him by her side, even if he's sleeping.)


(ASH, still feeling unwell but compelled by the text message, steps outside the university building. She notices the same luxurious car from yesterday waiting for her. Without informing ALI, she hesitantly approaches the car.)

ROBERT, who happens to be passing by, catches sight of ASH's departure and grows concerned. He recalls the events from yesterday and decides to follow her discreetly, wanting to ensure her safety.)


(After a short drive, the car arrives at an expensive hospital. ASH steps out, looking apprehensive. She notices the guards and realizes it's not an ordinary visit.)

(ROBERT, staying hidden, observes ASH being escorted into the hospital by the guards. He notes the strict security measures and decides to wait outside, determined to find out what's happening without alarming anyone.)


(A strikingly handsome man arrives at the hospital entrance, flanked by a team of guards. His presence commands attention as he steps out of his car with an air of authority.)

(The guards form a protective barrier around him as he strides confidently towards the hospital entrance. His demeanor exudes power and influence, leaving bystanders intrigued by his presence.)

(ROBERT, watching from a distance, observes the arrival of the mysterious man and his entourage. He senses that something significant is unfolding and remains vigilant, determined to uncover the truth.)


ROBERT: (approaching the handsome man) Hey, sorry to bother you. I think we went to school together, didn't we?

HANDSOME MAN: (turns to face Robert, a hint of recognition crossing his features) Oh, Robert, right? It's been a while. How have you been?

ROBERT: Yeah, that's me. I've been good, thanks. What brings you here?

HANDSOME MAN: (smiles faintly) Just visiting my grandma. She's not feeling too well, so I thought I'd drop by and check on her. How about you?

ROBERT: (nods) I see. I'm here with a friend. She had a minor injury while playing basketball, so we're getting her checked out.

HANDSOME MAN: (concerned) I hope it's nothing serious.

ROBERT: (shrugs) Yeah, hopefully not. Thanks. Anyway, I won't keep you. Take care of your grandma.

HANDSOME MAN: Thanks, Robert. See you around.

(Robert watches as the handsome man enters the hospital, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious encounter.)


ROBERT: (approaching JACK) Hey, Jack, right? I was wondering, since we're both here, could I meet your grandma? I hope she feels better soon.

JACK: (smirks) Oh, you want to meet my grandma? Well, she's in room 205. But, you know, she's not really up for visitors.

ROBERT: (feigning concern) Oh, I understand. Just thought I'd say hi. Take care, man.

(Robert, now more suspicious, heads toward room 205, curious about what he might find.)


JACK: (leading Robert to a table) Let's grab some coffee first. It's been a while since we caught up.

ROBERT: (sitting down) Yeah, sure. So, how's everything with you?

JACK: (nonchalantly) Oh, you know, just busy with work and stuff. (sips coffee) So, what brings you to the hospital today?

ROBERT: (hesitant) Oh, just checking up on someone.

JACK: (raises eyebrow) Someone special?

ROBERT: (evading) Just a friend. How about you? Who's your grandma again?

JACK: (smirks) My grandma? Oh, she's doing fine. Thanks for asking. (changes subject) Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about this friend of yours.

(Robert, feeling uneasy, tries to steer the conversation away from his own visit to the hospital.)