Sam, where are you?

Mood of the house grew scarier. Whole house was lightened up and news spreaded across the village. Whole villagers spread their search through out the village. Mom and grandma were crying. The whole village was sleepless that night, they continued their search for Sam till the dawn but it was all useless, they didn't find him. People were tired they all went home. Next day, mom and I went to post office to sent telegram to dad about Sam's missing asking dad and Mathew to come back.

After coming back from post office things were terrible, sadness grew on everyone, especially me. I kept on blaming myself for what happened, I felt like it was my responsibility, I should have looked after him. If I had looked after him this wouldn't have happened. These thoughts kept repeating on my head.

Lot of villagers came to comfort us. The whole village was alerted. They even sent hunters to outskirts to look for him, but they all came back empty handed.

People had different conclusions for what happened, some said he ran away, some said he was kidnapped.

It's was around eight in the evening, Mrs. Martha was going to quarters with food for Mr. Peter, she heard Samuel called out to her from upstairs. She turned and looked up, she saw Samuel with his bloody hands banging on the window of the study room "Help, Mrs. Martha I'm here. Help!".

"Sam" she called his name dropping the food in her hand and rushed inside. She informed us that she saw Sam in study room, we all headed up and searched entire room but we couldn't find anything except my grandpa's weird collection from his trip and his books. There was no sign of him or anyone in that room. We all left the room and headed to bed.

Mrs. Martha kept on hearing Samuel crying from upstairs, she couldn't sleep so she lit up a lantern, came out of her quarters and looked up the window. She screamed her lungs out. He scream walked everyone up. We all headed toward the quarters.

We saw fainted Mrs. Martha on Mr. Peter's lap, but he was crying out loud looking at something to the right. There I saw a boy covered in him blood laying on his face. I fell on my knees at the side of that boy. I knew in my heart it was my Sam.

"Sam" I cried...