'LAST STANDING NIGHT CRAWLER SPOTTED IN GREENWOOD' The cover page of the daily magazine read.

"Are you sure he's going to read it?" Sadon's aunt asked.

"Many in the capital have read it, as of now, Greenwood is getting lots of attention," he said. "I need the two of you to leave. I need to do this alone."

"Absolutely not!" The mother quickly said. "I won't allow it."

"Listen mother, Farian has taken a lot from me, I nee-" his mother cut in.

"He has also taken a lot from me, I'm staying." She said firmly. "How do you plan on killing him?" she asked.

Sadon took a deep breath and started on the plan.

"No vampires are invited to our main hall," he began. "We'll use that to our advantage. We stall him at the entrance until he lowers his guard. We'll then invite him in to the main hall and engage in a conversation with him. One of us will be in a hiding spot in case we need to use plan B. I suggest that mother be the one to engage him while aunt stays in hiding." He went on and looked at his mother who gave a nod in agreement. 

"While you converse with him, you'll request me to bring in some tea which i will do-"

His mother interrupted. "Why do we need tea?"

"It won't be tea mother, it will be vervain water which is known to weaken vampires. I'll get close to him, pretend to trip and pour the vervain water on him. I'll then pounce while he is disoriented and stab him with the stake." He finished and looked at them both to see if they understood. They did. 

"So what's plan B?" The aunt inquired.

"Just in case the first plan doesn't work, we move to plan B. where aunt will move out of hiding and lure Farian to the cellar when the room will be rigged with vervain soaked nets a the entrance. Once he steps in, the nets will fall onto him, covering his entire body weakening him. I'll then move in while he struggles to free himself and finish him off." 

Mother and aunt agreed the plan made sense. They went over the plan again, making sure everyone knew what their role was and what to do. They then sat and waited. Little did they know that their plans would go up in flames faster than they could have ever imagined.

** ** **

Farian had read the paper and was forced to go to Greenwood. Farian arrived to the house a few minutes to dusk. He stood outside the property and studied the old house. Using his vampire speed, he blurred to the main door and entered. He walked around until he got to the main hall. Inside, a woman sat on a rocking chair.

"You're not a night crawler," he started, looking at her. He tried to step in but realized he couldn't. He smiled, "Am I not invited in?"

Sadon's mother didn't respond, just rocked in the chair.

"Invite me in so we can have a decent conversation on why you created a speculation that there was a vampire in town." Farian told her.

"You'll just rip my heart out," she paused looking him in the eye, "Just like you did all the night crawlers."

For a quick second, the looked astonished. Sadon in the kitchen cursed under his breath, realizing his mother was not following the plan. He wanted to jump in and save the day but held himself, if he interrupted, the plan would become useless completely.

"How did you come by this information?" he asked leaning on the door frame.

"I have my ways," she answered. "You killed so many, what do you think the world will do to you if they find out?"

"I don't suppose you'll tell the world."

"I might, you can't kill us all."

The vampire laughed softly.

"The only other option is to kill me, that way no one will ever know but you can't even touch me."

"Why did you have me come here? I'm sure it wasn't for the pep talk."

"You killed my husband and sons you son of a bitch." She cried almost in a shout.

A sarcastic smile grew on his face. "You want payback."

"I'll kill you you bastard!" She snapped at him. Sadon bit his lip. What was his mother doing?

"Many have said that, yet here I am." He stood from leaning on the door frame. "What if I kill you first?" he said removing an old knife from his pocket.

"I'd like to see you try." She dared him.

"You underestimate me woman." He drove the knife through the open door space and sparks shot out of the frames. "I've been alive for more than half a millennium, you think I haven't figure it out how to get into places I haven't been invited to?" He posed to her, looking straight into her eyes.

In a fraction of a second, the back of Farian's forearm was pressing on the woman's neck. He opened his mouth wide, his two canines elongated and he dug into her neck. Screaming, she tried to fight him off with no success.

Sadon hurried into the room holding the stake. "Mother!" He ran towards the two. Farian didn't pull out his teeth, before Sadon could touch him, Farian held his neck with his left hand and lifted the young lad as he continued to feed on his mother. Sadon let go of the stake and tried to get Farian to let go.

Farian let out a loud groan letting go of both mother and son. He felt a burn on his back, a pain he'd never felt before.

Sadon's mother fell as Farian turned to find Sadon's aunt with a horrified look on her face.

Blood rushed out of Farian's mouth as he fell to his knees, then fell flat. The other half of the stake stuck out of his back, Sadon's aunt having stabbed him.

Sadon's aunt ran to her sister and found blood trickling out of her neck. 

"Mother, are you okay?" Sadon asked rushing to his mother as the aunt helped her sit.

"Is he dead?" she asked. 

Sadon turned from his mother and looked at Farian's motionless body.

"Yes. He is."

Sadon helped her to a chair and gave her a minute to recover.

"What should we do with him?"

"Burn him!" Sadon answered pulling the oak out. "We'll be at peace knowing that father's killer is dead." He placed the stake on the table and turned Farian to face up.

"Is he really dead?" The aunt asked.

Sadon leaned to check his pulse, he met his eyes, cold and emotionless. Sadon jumped back and before he could speak, he and his mother were hanging from Farian's hands.

Farian was about to snap their necks when he saw Sadon's aunt reach out for the white oak, he threw the two to opposite directions. Sadon hit a table breaking it, the mother crashed into a wooden wall.

In super speed, Farian blurred to the aunt, his left hand on his shoulder and the other around her wrist. "You missed my heart," he told her and dismembered her arm from her body.

She screamed as blood rapidly oozed from her. By the time mother and son got their balanced, Farian had already snapped the woman's neck. She lay in a pool of her blood.

In amazing speed, Farian went to Sadon's mother and punched his fist into her chest and it came out the back holding her heart. He pulled his hand out and out and the woman fell without making a sound. Farian turned to Sadon holding the heart. Sadon was holding a crossbow pointed to his head, he pulled the trigger and an arrow launched. Farian caught it inches from his face. Sadon fumbled with the crossbow. Before he could fix another arrow, the one he'd launched first was already inside his chest. He slowly looked up and met Farian's eyes.

"Go to hell you mon-" before he could finish that statement, his head was off from his body.

Farian piled the bodies and blurred out of the house with the white oak. He came back with petrol and sprinkled it all over the house and made a trail with the fuel a few meters from the house. Then he stood outside at the end of the trail with a match, he ignited and watch the fire hurriedly follow the tail and in a few seconds, the whole house was on fire. He stood and watched as the old house imploded following an explosion.