Nate arrived at Farian's place when darkness was just setting in. He pushed the large double doors open and called his name. There was no response, he walked in till he reached the main living room. He froze at the sight before him. Two girls lay unconscious on two couches, two puncture wounds on their necks. In the middle of the room, Farian stood behind another, her head tilted to the right, exposing her neck for Farian to dig his fangs in. 

Nate just stood there and watched as the vampire drank from the girl's neck. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Nate sounded angry. 

Farian didn't answer, he ignored him and his presence, carrying on with his drink. Nate's gaze shifted from Farian and landed on one of the girls laying unconscious, he could smell the blood dripping from their necks. A sudden craving for that blood overtook him and nothing else mattered. His eyes turned dark and his fangs came out, ready to pounce on one of the girls. 

"I don't appreciate being interrupted Nate, what do you want?" Farian finally spoke letting go of the girl whose knees gave way and she collapsed to the floor. 

Farian's voice distracted Nate and as sudden as the urge came, it disappeared. His eyes returned to the normal color and the fangs retracted. He turned to Farian who was wiping the bloody corners of his mouth with a white piece of cloth. 

"What is all this?" Nate was pointing at the three bodies that lay in front of him.

"Dinner." Farian answered curtly.

"You fucking hypocrite!" Nate bit out.

"Excuse me?"

"You've told me a million times not to feed on humans and here you are feeding on them yourself." 

"There's a difference between you and I Nate, I have self control and you don't." Farian told him taking steps towards the teenager.

"You call this self control?" Nate threw at him, looking at the bodies. "They are dead Farian! That's not-"

"I suggest you watch your tone young man." Farian warned.

"They are not dead, just unconscious, in a few hours, they will wake up in their beds and won't remember any of this." He explained. "Now, I don't think you came all the way to criticize my feeding. What do you want?" 

Nate took a minute to collect his thoughts. "It's the cops, they know."

"What do the cops know Nate?"

"They were at my school this morning. They took me to the station and asked me questions about that night." 

"What did they tell you exactly?" 

Nate sat on one of the couches that was free of a body and explained the whole thing.

"They found a bullet with your blood next to the body of the guy you killed. The DNA matched with the blood from your hand in my truck when I bit you. They are accusing me of being an accomplice to the murder of that guy." He paused and took the glass of blood that Farian had offered him. 

"After I died and came back, Amanda got me into some guy's car and was taking me to the hospital but we didn't make it. I..." He broke off.

"What did you do?"

"I fed on the driver. He lost control and hit a light pole."

"Then what happened?"

"Amanda ran away, I continued to feed on him until it was too late." He dropped his head, embarrassed of what he had done.

"The cops found my fingerprints all over the car and they are charging me with his disappearance." He finished and turned to Farian.

"What did you do with the body Nate?"

"Hid it in the woods, they'll never find it-"

"Dammit Nate!" Farian banged his palm on the arm rest of his chair. "And you waited until now to tell me this?"

"I didn't think they would ever trace it back to me. Plus, they will never get the body."

"They don't need the body to put you in jail. Your fingerprints are all over the car, that places you in the crime scene."

"What do we do?" 

"We do nothing. I'll take care of it."

The two fell silent, Farian deep in thought. "Did they bring Amanda in for questioning?"

"No, why would they?" Nate wondered.

"If they didn't then they cut a deal with her." Farian informed him.

"What do you mean? What deal?"

"Are you really that dumb? If they found your fingerprints in the car then they also found her's, if they brought you in, they should have done the same with her. But they didn't, which means they cut a deal with her to turn on you and testify against you."

"Amanda would never do that." He sounded so sure and confident.

"You have no idea what a person under the threat of going to prison would do. Trust me, they cut her a deal." 

"How do you know that?"

"I have been alive for more than seven hundred years Nate, trust me, I know how the mind of the police works."

"Then let me go ask her, she'll-"

He angrily cut in. "You will do no such thing!" He warned. "You've put her through enough."

Nate lost it too. "No Farian! I didn't put her trough shit. This was all you! She and I were perfect before you showed up and ruined our lives!" He yelled at him.

In a second, Farian blurred from where he was, picked up Nate by his shirt and hurled him across the room. Nate slammed into the wall, before he could pick himself up, Farian was standing in front of him, holding him by the throat. 

"I suggest you watch your words with me Nate, I will-" Nate cut in.

"You'll what Farian? What will you do? Kill me? You might as well get over with it because at this point I'd rather be dead than go through all this." Nate yelled at him. "You can deny it as much as you want but this is your fault! All this is your fucking fault."

Farian let go of him and took a step back, took a deep breath in then exhaled. "Get out." He said softly.


"Get the hell out!" Farian bellowed.

"Did you not hear what I just said? I might be going to prison Farian, we don't know what Amanda told the cops, for all we know she could be going to priso-"

"I said get out Nate. I'll take care of it."

Nate didn't say another word. What could he say? Farian had said he would take care of it, best to trust him with that task. He made his way past the bodies of the three girls who seemed to be regaining consciousness. 

When he got home, he found his mother pacing up and down, worried sick. She didn't say anything when she saw him, just stared at him with wet eyes, trying to find her tongue. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken off like that. I just needed sometime to think. We'll call Marcus tomorrow and I'll tell him everything." 

They had dinner, he helped with the dishes, and went into his room.He tossed in bed for hours, lost in his thoughts. Sleep finally won, and he fell into a deep slumber, all his worries fading away into oblivion.