At the police station, detective McLough oversaw Nate's booking in. His name was taken down with other personal info. He was then led to another room where his mugshots and fingerprints we taken. 

"Can I make a phone call?" Nate requested the detective.

"You are entitled to only one phone call, make it quick." The detective gave the police officer behind Nate a nod and he was led to a phone booth. Nate punched in some numbers and stood by the phone as it rang. Less than two minutes later, he returned the receiver in and just as he was being taken away, his mother and Marcus walked in. 

"What the hell are you doing to my client?" Marcus demanded as Nate's mother took quick strides to son's side.

"We found the body of Matthew Lopez. Your clients fingerprints were all over it. That's why we brought him in." McLough explained. 

The news stunned Marcus leaving him speechless for a few seconds. "I'll give you some time with your client."

The detective walked away to where Nate was. He instructed the police officer to take Nate into one of the interrogation rooms. He then turned to Nate. "Mr. Connor I suggest you get your affairs straight with your attorney. You are in deep shit. We have the body; no more denying your involvement."

Marcus joined them just as McLough was about to walk away. "Mr. Donotelle, please explain to him what this means. Previously, this was a missing persons case, but now that we have the body it just escalated to a murder case." 

Nate's mother looked at her sone with wide eyes, filled with shock and disbelief. 

"What is he saying Nate?" Mrs. Connor asked balancing tears in her eyes. 

"Let's talk inside the room." Marcus advised in a whisper and they followed the police officer into an interrogation room. 

Soon as the cop left the room, Marcus turned to Nate with cold eyes. "I suggest you start talking, and fast." 

Nate was silent, staring at nothing in particular, lost in his own thoughts. 

"Nate," his mother called softly, touching his hand gently.

"Huh?" He broke out of the trance he was in.

"Tell us what happened." Marcus insited.

"I...I don't-" Marcus sharply cut in.

"Damn it Nate!" He slammed his palm on the table and Mrs. Connor almost jumped. "I don't know if you have any idea what sort of mess you are in. You're being charged with murder! Murder Nate. We don't have time for all this back and forth."

"I'm gonna talk to the detective and get the whole picture. When I come back, you better have something for me to work with. And I suggest it be the truth." 

Marcus pushed his chair back and stood, picking up his briefcase and he left the room. 

Outside the precinct, detective McKenzie stood by a food truck. Waiting in line for his turn to order. He made his order and removed cash from his wallet, ready to pay. 

"Make that order two," a male voice said to the truck attendant. 

McKenzie turned to the stranger who was handing the attendant cash for the two orders. 

"Do I know you?" McKenzie asked, trying to place the guys face. 

"No, I'm afraid not." The stranger answered picking the two coffee cups and bagels and gave one of each to McKenzie and the two stepped away from the truck. 

"If not, then who are you and what can I do for you?" 

"Who I am isn't relevant detective McKenzie. Of importance is what you can do for me." The stranger told the detective as he took a bite of the bagel. "You are handling the Nate Connor case, correct?" 

"I'm afraid I can't answer that. How old are you? You look like a teenager. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" The detective asked.

The two stopped walking and the stranger turned to face the detective. He looked into his eyes and the detective couldn't look away. "Are you working the Nate Connor case?" Farian asked.

"Yes, I am." McKenzie answered, unable to resist. 

"Good. You're gonna go into your office and make me a list of everyone who knows anything about this case." Farian instructed, and the detective found himself nodding. 

"Run along now," Farian said, taking another bite off his bagel.

McKenzie turned and walked to the precinct. He walked up the front steps at the entrance, and made his way to his office, barely noticing anything in the surroundings. His mind was sorely focused on the instruction given to him by Farian. Inside his office, he walked to his desk, ignoring Marcus and McLough who seemed to be in an argument. He sat down, drew a plain sheet of paper and started writing. 

"Mr. Donotelle, that's all I can tell you for now. We are waiting for the full report from our M.E. Once we have it, we're coming into that interrogation room." McLough informed Marcus who let out a sigh and left the office. 

"That guy is unbelievable," McLough pointed out turning to his partner at the opposite end of the office. 

"Hey, how did it go with the girlfriend?" He asked. His partner din't respond, just carried on with his writing. "Hey," he called again, assuming McKenzie didn't hear him the first time.

He was about to stand when his office telephone rang. He picked up the receiver and pressed it against his ear. Two minutes later, he returned the receiver and fully turned to his partner with a confused look. 

"That was the M.E. She says Matthew's body was completely drained of blood and there are signs of strangulation." He announced, still trying to comprehend what he had just heard from the medical examiner. 

Down at the entrance, Farian walked up to the receptionist with a grin. 

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" The slim gentleman at the desk asked. 

"Could you kindly direct me to detective McKenzie's office." He requested, looking deep into the officer's eyes.

"Um, right this way." He responded, dropping the file he was holding and walking Farian to the office.

The officer knocked gently on the door, turning the knob and pushed it open. 

"Who are you?" McLough asked as the officer closed the door behind Farian. 

Before he could answer, McKenzie shot to his feet with the piece of paper and handed it to Farian. 

"You know him?" McLough asked, looking at his partner who didn't reply.

Farian walked up to McLough's desk, held him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. "You are going to drop all charges against Nate Connor and Amanda Hall."

"Yes, we will drop all charges." McLough repeated unconsciously. 

"Forget this conversation ever happened."

Farian walked back to McKenzie and said the same to him. 

Marcus walked into the interrogation room and Nate and his mother looked up. 

"Alright Nate, all they have is your finger prints on the body and that's it. We'll argue that it was self-defense. It's the best strategy we have, but you'll need to tell me everything," he said as he sat. 

Meanwhile, Farian made his way to the captain's office. He talked his way past the secretary and walked into the office. The captain, a bulky man looked up, a bit shocked. "Who are you?" 

"Someone here to clean up a small mess." He smiled calmly, standing in front of the wide desk. "You are going to drop all charges agains't Nate Connor and Amanda hall."

"On what grounds will I be doing that?"

Farian leaned in, locking eyes with the man. "On the grounds that I told you so. And you will forget ever having this conversation." He finished and stepped back.

"Yes." The tranced captain nodded. 

Farian turned and walked out of the office, a satisfied smile all over his face. As he walked towards the exit, he saw a small group of teens at the reception, he quickly recognized two of them.

After pleading their case to the receptionist, Amanda and her four friends were shown to Nate's interrogation room.

"Um, you guys go ahead, I have to make a phone call." Melanie said to the group as they walked. She stood back and locked eyes with the familiar face walking towards her. Immediately, her encounter with him in their school hallway a few weeks back rushed in.

He smiled as he neared her and she smiled back. "You," she started. 

"Melanie Vaugh," Farian greeted standing in front of her. "Fancy meeting you here."