Chapter 1

Happy birthday to you,

On this sweet date,

Best wishes to you,

Many years of life...

It's pike , it's pike,

It's pike, it's pike, it's pike, it's pike,

It's time, it's time,

It's time, it's time, it's time

Yo, yo-yo, boom!

Helena, Helena, Helena, Helena!! - The staff of the Arab restaurant, accompanied by the families of the shy birthday girl, are cheerfully singing in front of their chocolate cake with candles that looked like fireworks.

The celebration draws attention from the other tables, including by Bruno who until a few minutes dialed for the twentieth time the same number on his phone. He smiles as he admires the blond-haired girl blowing out her candles.

— Who will it be...? - pull one guest standing.

— Oh no, Marcelo, please... – ask the birthday girl holding her guest's arm.

— Who will it be, who will it be, who will Helena marry…? - the boy continues without caring for the pleas of Helena, being accompanied by the others. — will depend, will depend , will depend on the...

Then the guests stopped and looked at each other, confused. The boy at the other table observes Helena's cheeks being taken by a rosy tone, while his hands explore her hair, placing the strands behind her ears. It seems , the birthday girl had no suitor , which caused a strange sense of satisfaction to the observer.

— Hey, you! - call Marcelo, attracting the boy's attention.

—Me? - Question the young man with brown hair, clumsy.

—Yes, yourself. Come here. - asks Marcelo.

—What are you doing? - questions Helena, nervous, pulling Marcelo's arm.

— Arranging a suitor for you, little sister. - replied smiling.

— Marcelo! - scolds the lady sitting next to her, pulling her shirt in vain.— Please don't do it with your sister.

—What is your name? - Asks Marcelo.

— Bruno.

—Do you want to be someone's boyfriend for a "congratulation" ? - Asks Marcelo Bruno.

—I accept. - Answers Bruno,, surprising everyone at the table.

Bruno rises cautiously. Not even he believes he has accepted to be part of the other boy's madness. The guests settle in the chairs to give way to Bruno, who approaches the birthday girl, who stares at him with the most intense brown eyes he has ever seen in his life. The boy's eyes cannot stop analyzing every detail of the young woman, from her hands gripping nervously to her lips half-open as if expecting a kiss, something he feels a controllable will to do. He sits next to Helena, who automatically holds her breath while watching his arm run down her back until her hand reaches her waist. Her hair delivers the tremor that ran through her body at that moment, because something in Bruno touched her so intensely… as if they had finally found each other.

— Going on... – Marcelo speaks, attracting attention from everyone, including the "couple". — Who will it be, who will Helena marry? It will depend, it will depend, it will depend on if Bruno will want ... He accepted, he accepted... They're on their honeymoon, they're on their honeymoon, they had a little boy named Isabel.

There at the carousel, at the carousel, they had two little children called Antonio and Emanuel.

But before, on the Ferris wheel, there in the giant rose, he had a little boy called Dante.

After that little boy, he split up…

A month passed, a month passed, and they married again!

— Enough! - Helena's mother speaks to Marcelo. - Or we will stay here singing your sister's fictional life all night.

— Okay... – Moans Marcelo, sitting again.

— That's my cue. - Bruno speaks, standing up. — Thanks for the invitation and congratulations. - Ends by pointing to Helena.

Expecting no response, Bruno turns and walks out of the restaurant. He felt he needed to get away from them as quickly as possible, but could not explain the reason. He had never felt so confused. Not only that, but he was already walking along the sidewalk admiring the starry night, he did when...

— Bruno!

Bruno turns and finds Helena standing at the door with a package in her hands. She approaches, or maybe it was just the feeling the boy had when watching her.

— Apologies for my brother. - Asks Helena facing Bruno. She extends the piece of cake towards the boy and continues: — I set aside a piece of cake for you… as a way of thanking you for being my boyfriend for five minutes.

—Thank you. - Thank Bruno for holding the package and touching Helena's hand lightly.

He feels a slight shock with the touch and so does she, as she practically throws the piece of cake in Bruno's hand, taking two steps back.

—Sorry! - both ask at the same time that they smile, dull with the tuning.

His eyes meet once more... A force ran through Bruno's entire body making him take two steps forward and approach Helena who this time also can not move away. Their bodies are so close that Bruno's breath swings the fringe of Helena's hair that he can't stop looking at it as his lips open... Bruno's hand is directed to the face of Helena being accompanied by his lips that attracts as magnet towards hers that now closes his eyes waiting for the natural outcome.

— Hi, sorry I'm late. - says the voice behind Bruno who paralyzes.

The boy moves away from Helena and then turns towards the blonde-haired woman behind him who watches the two with a certain interest.

— Suzana! - Bruno is approaching her. - You came...

— Yeah, I had a little bit of a setback with the folks back home. you know, they had a surprise goodbye. Anyway… – Suzana explains, analyzing Helena from top to bottom. — You did not waste time…

— Since I thought you stood me up, I got a girlfriend for five minutes... Helena. - Speaks Bruno, pointing to Helena, who gives a yellow smile towards Suzana. — Helena, this is Suzana...

—The girlfriend in fact. - Complete Suzana extending her hand towards Helena, who holds lightly.

— Pleasure… - Helena, totally uncomfortable. — Well, I'm going in... Ah... good night and have fun.

Helena then turns to walking a long way into the establishment, leaving the couple alone. She returns to the table pale as paper, something that has not gone unnoticed by anyone, much less by Marcelo who approaches her, saying:

—So, did you get his number?

—You're an asshole, you know that? - Let Helena go, angry.

— What? What did I do?

— He has a girlfriend. - Answers Helena, taking a generous sip of soda. — You should not have invited him to join us.

— How was I supposed to know he had a girlfriend? You know, sis, not everyone comes with a sign on their forehead with marital status…

— Anyway, he's gone. He has a girlfriend, and I doubt I'll ever see him again.