Trial 8 Dungeon Boss Fight - 9

I walked through the doors and entered a huge chamber with more than 100 torches lighting up the edges. The flickering light of the torches made the already creepy dungeon even eerier.

In the darkness in the center of the cavern, I giant golden eye opened.

"Who dares walk into my abode!"

The words carried a weight to them that shook the whole cavern.

The creature lifted its head off of the ground and unfurled its wings.

Standing at over 15 meters tall, the creature in front of me blew a burst of fire into the air.

The boss of this B+ ranked dungeon was an AA ranked drake.

In the world that I created, a drake was defined as a teenage dragon that had wings, but couldn't use them yet, so they couldn't fly, but they still had all of the other characteristics of a dragon, just toned down a bit because they were still inexperienced and young.

Already starting the boss raid, the drake blew a flume of fire toward me that I narrowly dodged as even though I had drunken a fire immunity potion, it was only the lowest grade type, so if I got hit by one of the drake's dragon breaths, I would still be burned, I just wouldn't be reduced to ashes.

Narrowly dodging each and every dragon breath that the drake sent at me, I finally arrived in striking range with my daggers, but this also meant that I was in striking range of the drake's wings and claws to.


I parried one of the drake's claws, running under the outstretched wing behind it, I stabbed my dagger into the soft flesh above.

"Shreeeeeeeiiiiiiiiik" an ear-piercing shriek filled the room and dust started falling from the ceiling.

I then ran back out of the range of the drake's claws and dodged another plume of fire.

Running back in, I continued the same strategy of parrying whatever melee attack the drake sent at me and then I would run under and stab him in the wind.

After doing this for about an hour, I was able to cut off both wings using this method.

Enraged, the drake activated its AOE skill and balls of fire started falling out of the sky below the roof of the cavern.

Due to the fact that I had raised my agility an extra 8 points over my other stats, I was able to nimbly, but barely, dodge this AOE skill and I still came out with a burnt are in the end that hung useless at my side.

Gritting my teeth from the pain, I used my own skill as this was one of the only times in the drake's attack pattern where he couldn't do anything, having just used a massive AOE skill.

"Figureless Shadow."

I became a shadow that raced through the burning floor of the cavern, appearing right beneath where the drake's heart was.

Stabbing with all of my 29 strength stat points up through a gap in his tough scales, I pierced the heart.

"Arrrggghhhh", letting out a death cry, the drake started collapsing.

Turning into a shadow once more, I escaped from underneath the drake's falling body by a hair's breadth.

"Huuhhhh, huhhhh, huhhhh", I breathed deeply, the flames that had sucked away all my oxygen dying down after the drake had died.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Feeling the cooling power of the level ups, the burns all over my body healed themselves, although my left arm took a bit longer.

[World Wide Announcement: Congratulations to player "Anonymous" for being the first player to break the level 50 barrier.]

[You have been rewarded 20,000 TC.]

[Your fame has increased.]

[World Wide Announcement: Congratulations to player "Anonymous" for being the first player to clear a B+ ranked dungeon.]

[You have been rewarded 50,000 TC.]

[Your fame has increased.]

[World Wide Announcement: Congratulations to player "Anonymous" for being the first player to defeat an AA ranked boss monster.]

[You have been rewarded 30,000 TC.]

[Your fame has increased.]

[The gods observing you are speechless.]

[Some gods are crying in disbelief over your unbelievable victory.]

[Many gods are calling into question the fairness of the player "Shinubwa".]

[The One Who Carried the Sky, The Heavenly Demon, The Abyssal King, and The Blood Bathing Demon, Caissa, The Keeper of the Night, and The Immortal Magician all smile down at you.]

[You have achieved an impossible feat.]

[You have been awarded 100,000 TC.]

After reading the notifications, I checked my status window to see the changes.

[Player Shinubwa Lv. 55 (175,105,000 TC):

Strength: 29

Stamina: 52

Agility: 40

Mana: 42

Hp: 32

Perception: 42

Intelligence: 32

Extra Stat Points: 12


Job: None

Titles: "Perseverance Maniac", "Millionaire"

Skills: Tactical Domination (S), Figureless Shadow (AAA)]

A faint smile appeared on my face as I saw the satisfactory changes.

Unable to hold back sleep any longer due to both my physical and mental fatigue, I fell into a deep sleep.