Mysterious Egg - 33

As the bright light disappeared, something that looked like a worm was left on the ground.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked in a disgusted tone.

'I mean, wasn't I supposed to get a god? Why the heck did they give me a worm?'

Just as I was about to stomp on the worm and leave, I heard a voice inside my head.

//Hey brat! What do you think you're doing? Let me enter you right now or I'll die!//

(A/N: If you forgot, the "//" is for non speech, or in other words, thought related communication.)

"You know that sounds really wrong right?"

//Just let me go in or I'll die!!!!//

The worm tried to hop at me but I took a step back so it fell pitifully into the grass.

"First tell me, who are you?"

//I am Verminus.//

It was kind of obvious that she was trying to avoid telling me what god she was so I just asked her straight up. "And what are you the god of?"

(A/N: Shinobu refers to Verminus as a "she" because the voice in his head is feminine.)


//Fine... fuck it, I'm the god of parasites.//

With just that one sentence, I felt my goals take a step closer to becoming a reality.

'Did she really just say that she was the god of parasites! That's fucking awesome!'

Of course, I didn't make any movements and didn't move any muscles under my mask, so that she couldn't judge my reaction.

Suppressing my excitement, I hurriedly asked, "Just one thing, before you enter my body, sign this contract."

I quickly pulled up a contract created by the system, one that couldn't be broken as long as a person was in the Tower. If by chance a person found a way to break the contract, they would be killed immediately. Of course, again, this only worked inside the tower.

I carefully put the contract in front of the worm-like creature and waited as she read it.

//Is this seriously all?//

"Yep, I literally only need you to tell me the truth no matter what."

She quickly injected her mana into the contract and I did the same, sealing it.

'Hmm, she has a pink mana that's basically a lighter shade of blood, I wonder what abilities it holds? Well, it's not like I won't find out later anyways.'

Without further ado, I gave her my hand in which she immediately burrowed into my finger.

I watched as a wriggling mass slowly shifted up my arm, and then, as it slowly ascended the side of my head.

It only stopped right in the front of my forehead... before burrowing right through my skull and into my brain.

"Aaaagggrrhhh!" I cried out in agony.

Falling to the ground, I clutched my brain, trying desperately to stop the pain that made me feel as if my brain was on fire.

The sun slowly started moving over my sweating, convulsing body, my fingers drawing blood as they dug through my hair.

It was only as night descended that the pain started to fade away.

Under the bright moon, I stood up, taking my mask off to wipe the liquids off my face.

Repositioning my mask, I probed inside my mind.

//Hey, you there?//

//Yeah I'm here, and don't talk too loud!//

//What do you mean? How the hell am I supposed to lower the volume of my thoughts!//

//Just think about whispering them!//

//Ok, is this better?//

//Yeah, that's better, I thought my eardrums were going to burst.//

//Do worms even have eardrums?//

//Just so you know, we do, and this isn't my true form anyways as I am in a weakened state after being sent into this filthy world.//

//How the hell did you get chosen to be put in my egg in the first place?//


//Are you going to answer.//

I could guess that she was probably embarrassed and didn't want to tell me, I mean, I could practically hear her blushing in my mind.

//I'm waiting!//

//Okay, okay, I j-just... just lost all my TC's betting on the games of players during the intelligence trial and even got into debt when I lost some money that I borrowed, so as punishment, the other gods sent me down to this filthy place.//

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I heard this.

//Hahahaha, are you fucking kidding me!//

//Shut up.//




At the beck of the piercing voice inside my head, I gradually stopped laughing.

//You really are pitiful for a god you know?//

//I mean, what type of god gets sent down in the form of a lowly worm? I really, truly feel sorry for you.// I said this while not even bothering to hide the sarcasm dripping from my words.

//Just go fuck yourself.//

I showed a slightly surprised expression at the quiet voice inside my head that was a stark contradiction from what it was before.

'I guess she still hasn't come to terms with being ejected from the realm of the gods, if that even exists.'

//Alright, now that you're in my body, I can question you all I want now, right?// I said, while snickering cruelly.

I planned on wringing her dry of any information that she had.

This was literally the sole reason I had made her sign the contract stating that she would only tell me the truth. After all, I desperately needed to learn information about the gods and any changes that they made to my tower to compensate and adapt my plans.

//Uhm, but first, what should I call you?// (Verminus)

//Just call me master.//

//Like hell I'd do that, I'm not a servant you know?//

//Well, isn't that what you were sent here to do, to serve me?//


//Fine, but don't regret it if this negatively impact you in the future.//

//Stop it with your idle threats.// I said, teasingly.

//Well, what was it you wanted to say?//

//Master, I just got into this body after coming this close to death and I don't want to die again, so, I'm informing you that if you don't split me with another host, you'll die in about 24 hours due to what you humans would call getting "o.d.'ed" on divine power.//

(A/N: Stands for "overdose".)

'Well shit, where the hell was I supposed to find a person that could hold more divine power than me in this tower?'