Jerminus (1) - 48

We kept sliding, and sliding, and sliding.

And sliding, sliding, and sliding.

And sliding, sliding, and sliding.

Remember what I said before about how the first 10 floors tested "strength"? Well, now, it was testing the strength of our minds.

You see, if you fell asleep here, or you tried to climb back up, or you called somebody for help, then you would die.

So all you could do was sit up, and keep yourself from doing any of these things.

And the factor that made it extremely hard was that it was boring, extremely boring.

I mean, I just sat there for who knows how long?

By this point, I had actually started to miss Lili, who had been taken somewhere else, and was probably being subjected to the exact same test.

I mean, I had told her what to do, I just hoped that that childish mind of hers wouldn't make her give up easily or anything.

'Wait, no, she'll be fine. If she falls asleep, Vermi will just wake up and take over her body.'

Reassured with this one single thought, I continued plunging into the darkness, my ass now extremely sore due to the the constant friction against it.


It had probably been a week or so of sliding before I finally saw a light in the distance.

'Finally! Thank god!'

The incline leveled out as I was gently deposited into a cavernous room, one that was a lot like the one that I had been in when fighting the drake.

This room would be the setting for my boss fight.

Cracking my neck from side to side, I got ready for a fight on the level of the drake or Wukong.

Walking up to the center of the room, I waited until the prompt for the initiation of the boss fight appeared.

Taking a deep breath, I pressed the "Start" button.

Immediately, my surroundings changed, becoming a room filled with lava, as the ground cracked apart, forming floes in the sea of fire.

Every once in a while, I would see the lava burst up in fountains, splashing the nearby floes and causing them to melt and sink into the flames.

Balancing myself out, I squinted through the distortion of the heat as I looked up at the boss monster above me.

[Jerminus (A) - Boss Type] A squid-like creature that had multiple tentacles hanging down at its sides, and the face of a sleeping old man on it's mantle. (A/N: The ranking of monsters is dependent on how high the average player's stats are on the particular floor the monster is on.)

Making out just a blurry figure, I started "waking it up" by throwing several disposable daggers at it.

Seeing that they would just bounce off the thick exoskeleton of the monster, I took out my fan.

You see, due to the particular nature of the monster's passive skills, it was a much better option to defeat the monster as early as possible, so I didn't waste any stops against it.

Using the fan's third skill, I launched the metal needles at Jerminus.

Directly piercing through the monster's body, I watched, satisfied, as they returned back to me.


Jerminus cried out in pain, as it felt the sensation of 10 separate needles piercing straight through its body.

With this, it shedded its first layer, a red one, and underneath, a blue layer emerged.

Instantly, the field became a frozen wasteland, the floes now stuck in irregular positions, making the ground uneven.

Finding my footing in this new environment, I used my inventory to switch out my heat resistant clothes for my cold resistant ones.

With metal ice boots now, I could easily run around the arena, dodging the attacks that Jerminus now launched at me, blue balls of ice that looked like pale suns.

Explosions rocked the places where I ran, but I always stayed one step ahead of them, successfully maneuvering around them all.

Of course, this was just from my experience fighting the monster, and from the knowledge of its patterns engraved in my head.

After a while of Jerminus just bombarding me as I ran in a circle around it, it started powering up an attack, a blue ball that was already bigger than my head growing in front of its tentacles that were all aimed at me.

'This is my chance.'

I once again used my fan, propelling the needles as hard as I could, directly at Jerminus.

And once again, they directly pierced through its body, causing 10 bloody holes to appear.

This time, Jerminus didn't do anything, as it focused on powering up its skill.

Letting the needles return, I closed the fan, and then did something I hadn't done since the beginning of the fight, I ran towards the center of the room.

Reaching the center just as the charging of the attack was finished, I just stood there, as Jerminus launched the attack at me, a pillar of light descending straight down.

Narrowly dodging it, I watched as the blast pierced through the ground, causing huge chunks of rock to fly into the air.

I immediately started jumping from rock to rock, propelling myself up and up.

As I reached a rock right under Jerminus, I pushed with all my might, causing the rock that I had been on to crash into the ground only half a second later.

Reaching the point just above Jerminus' head, I held the fan with both hands, as I swung down with it in its knife form.

But, nothing connected, as I felt the fan just slice through air.

As I realized that Jerminus had dodged, all I could do was fall, with nothing to save me, my hands to the sky as if embracing a loved one.


1. The Discord server is up!!!! The link will now be here, in the paragraph comments, in the chapter comments, in the synopsis, and on my profile. Join if you want to get chapter updates quickly, and if you want to be privy to any new information regarding the two series as soon as possible.

The new discord link (This one will work.):

2. I would like to shout out a book that I'm editing. Check out "World Online" by "jdbeue" a top 30 author on Webnovel. I'll assure you that the series is good, which is kinda obvious due to the author's quality, and that it's worth checking out.

3. Powerstones for extra chapters:

So, here they are:

75 PS - 1 extra chapter

100 PS - 1 extra chapter

150 PS - Another extra chapter

200 - ??? (I'll go there if we even get there, although I seriously doubt it.)