Trust (2) - 55

//Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Did you just pull a scam on me?//

//Please be patient Ms. GFishe, and let us explain to you what is going on.//

//You see, "The Library" is just one of the many sub branches within our guild, "Mirage", an exclusive guild made of the best of the best assassins and snipers.//

//You are currently the 5th member to join, with the other members being, "Anonymous", "Anonymous", "Anonymous", and "Lacida".//

//Wait? Lacida is in this guild?//

//Yeah, she just joined like, 2 minutes ago.//

//I'm literally explaining the same thing to you that I'm saying to her.//

//But now, back to the original topic, let me explain the guild and it's purpose.//

//You see, this guild was actually created by player "Anonymous", yes, the person that you want revenge on for no apparent reason.//

//We will be collecting the best of the best assassins and snipers to act as the strings for the puppeteer controlling from the shadows in the tower.//

//Of course, you will be a string, a particularly thick one at that. The puppeteer believes that you will be integral to his plan for the tower.//

//Before you go any further, may I ask if the deal is still on?//

//Yes, of course! You signed the contract after all. As soon as you get enough guild contribution points, you may ask for a duel with player "Anonymous".//

//Okay, that's all I needed to know, please continue.//

//So, right now, you have two options.//

//Because the guildmaster believes you to have extreme potential, he asks you to be a part of his inner circle.//

//Or course, if you reject this, then you may be a regular guild member, with some requirements of course. You see, as our guild has the unique buff, "Backstabber", you are able to join another guild other then "Mirage", effectively creating the opportunity for all of us to be spies.//

//So, your other option is to be one of these spies. Of course, you can even do both things.//

//To explain what these positions will be, the power system of the guild is as follows.

Regular guild members will be name d"Pawns". They will have certain responsibilities that depends on what type of player they are.

Like in a chess game, they will be separated into two groups, the "Black Pawns" and the "White Pawns".

Any "Black" piece, represents a player that is climbing up the tower without another guild. Their responsibilities will be set up after more members join the guild.

Any "White" piece, represents a player that is in another guild. They will mainly have the job of gathering as much information as possible, that is, until the time comes.

Then, in a major jump up from the "Pawns", there are the "Rooks".

"Black Rooks" are members of the guild that are able to stay in the top 500 rankings as solo players, and again, there is another factor, contribution points, but this will be explained later when the actual system for getting these points is completed.

"White Rooks" are members that are "Captains" in their respective guilds. It doesn't matter how strong they are, as for the "White" pieces, information gathering is the most important thing, as it will help out the "Black" pieces immensely.

Then, a level up from the "Rooks", there are the "Knights".

Following the same pattern, "Black Knights" need to be in the top 300 in rankings and must have a certain amount of contribution points to the guild.

The "White Knights" must be "Managers" in their respective guilds to gain the "White Knight" position in "Mirage".

After the "Knights", there are the "Bishops".

"Black Bishops" must be in the top 150 in rankings and must have a certain amount of contribution points to the guild.

"White Bishops" must be a "Kingfish" in their respective guilds to gain the "White Bishop" position in "Mirage".

Finally, on the final level, there are the "Kings" and "Queens", who will all be members of the inner circle of "Mirage".

The "Black Kings/Queens" must be in the top 50 rankings and must have a certain number of contribution points to the guild.

On the other hand, the "White Kings/Queens" must be a "vice-leader", "co-leader", or "leader" of their respective guild to earn the "White King/Queen" position in "Mirage".

Every week, the "Kings" and "Queens", regardless of color, will be forced to meet with the other members of the inner circle in a convening to share the information they get, as the information they receive for being one of the highest ranking members of various guilds and being some of the most powerful players in the tower will be crucial to the future plans of the guild.

Also, this convening will be used to settle disputes between the inner circle's members, as tensions are bound to rise if two guilds go to war with each other, or if two members are going after the same target.

That is basically all.//

//So, was all that just the basic structure of the guild?//

//Yes, there will be many more things in the guild, but you must first become an inner circle member to hear these details. Of course, if you are fine with being left in the dark, then feel free to choose to become a pawn.//

//Like hell I will! I accept whatever it is, just give me a "White Queen" position.//

//And what guild are you in?//

//Shit! Are you fucking with me? You tell me all this stuff, and now I can't do anything with this information?//

//Or course not. Please come back when you join a guild, and we will happily accommodate you with a position. At this moment though, you are merely a "Black Pawn" and so you don't have access to that much information. So please, join a guild quickly so that we can both benefit.//

'You fucking assholes.'

That was my last thought, before I saw Lacida walking out of the shower room.

"You have some explaining to do, Lacida."


So, if y'all didn't read the past chapters, then let me give you an update.

I will now be posting chapters for both OTR and WRDIN at a rate of once every two days.

This is all due to my master plan, being, make my fan-fic explode, and then I'll be able to take that clout, and then bring it back over here, to my actual novels.

And, this is already working.

I mean, 2 days after creating the fan-fic, and the number of cols it has, has already passed the number of cols that OTR has, pathetic right?

And, remember this! OTR used to have 700 cols before the re-upload, just, I guess, all them readers didn't read the "re-upload" part correctly and thought that I had dropped it.

So yeah, I'm thinking that this strategy will actually work, so please, bear with me, after all, I'm just a high schooler trying to get some clout back, cause I'm that petty.

Well, I want to thank y'all for sticking with it these past two days. I'm sorry for not uploading any chapters, but, I needed some time to set the base for my fan-fic.

So, I think that's all, see y'all in two days!