Secret mission

About a week had passed. Torck had prepared all of the Hammer team for this mission. This team, usually adept at spells that will cause as much damage as possible has been trained with magic that doesn't make too much noise and finish the job quietly but effectively. Everyone on the team had good success and mastered at least one spell in one week. There were even those who could do three or four spells flawlessly. Torck has divided the 30-man Hammer Team into 6 groups for any possible situation. Each team was led by someone who had mastered at least 3 spells. Heart Crusher had told him to choose his men carefully, so Torck decided to use his whole team because he didn't think there was any man in his team he could afford to lose. He needed every potential manpower he could get.

In addition to all these physical developments, he knew how important it was for his team to be mentally ready. One thing was sure, this mission would not be without casualties. His men were not supposed to succumb to their anger no matter what. But Torck had some doubts about it. Hammer Team gets its power from revenge. Before getting into a war, the atmosphere in the team would smell of hatred, and they would let out a warcry, which enhanced this atmosphere even more. If any harm came to one of them, they would become angry and fight more aggressively. But on this mission, they shouldn't be interested in what happened to the others. They had to stay away from anger and revenge and leave their feelings in the Lower world, in their homeland. Torck had repeatedly warned his men about this. He had even put them through a simulation spell to assess their most natural reaction to a possible loss. All his men had taken valid notes from the simulation, but there was still a little doubt inside Torck. No matter how advanced the magic was, real life was completely different.

They had arrived at the address found in the envelope that Heart Crusher's butler gave. It was a gulf between the two worlds, which the army did not use often. So, they made their way to where Heart Crusher's henchmen were waiting. As he wrote in the same letter, this was a ship that could lift about 30 people. But it didn't look like any of the army ships that Torck had ever seen before. Usually, crystals were used to increase the effects of spells that generate energy for the ship. But he had never seen such a department on this ship.

Moreover, there was no place on the ship that would provide energy. Instead, it had oars dangling down the sides, resembling the boats that poor people who cannot use crystalline vehicles embark on. It was just like those boats but floating in the air with magic. Heart Crusher said in the letter that they would use a different way of transportation, but Torck thought it would be a superior level of magic, not a ship that could not be used for magic at all, except that it could fly...

One of the henchmen gestured to Torck. The time had come. Torck looked back at his soldiers once more and smiled. It was a nervous smile but also full of excitement and hope. All 30 members of the Hammer Team boarded this old ship, which was most likely used in the early years of the Great War. The navigator determined the route, and the soldiers that received the first watch began rowing.

When they reached the space where the two planets' atmospheres met, they started to cast a veil spell. It was a spell that completely concealed their existence and felt like it made them disappear into nothingness. Torck understood now. Although crystals were useful things that significantly reduced the burden on warlocks, the amount of magic accumulated in them was too large. Some spells would prevent their presence from being detected, but he could never be sure to what extent the other party could sense these spells. It was best to move forward with normal physical strength and block the existence of warlocks with a veil spell. A spell that can cover even your own existence. Although the distance between the two worlds was not very long, it seemed to take more time with only physical strength. They've been on the road for two weeks. It's been an annoying and challenging two weeks. Rowing always makes you feel exhausted, no matter how strong you are.

Finally, the great facility of the sorcerers they must infiltrate is on the horizon. First, Torck ordered his men to anchor without getting too close. Then he started to observe what kind of magic, traps, and protection the building was protected with, how many guards there were, and how often they took shifts for the right moment before sneaking in. Then he started looking for the right moment.

This old military ship had been at anchor for a day and had been waiting. His exhausted men had taken a rest and were getting impatient. Torck had a lot of plans in his head on sneaking into and escaping. But it was all precarious, and the disadvantage of not knowing what was happening inside made his job very difficult. Torck would have entered if he wanted to, but he wanted to do it smoothly. Although he thought fighting was inevitable, he still believed he would find a way. He couldn't bring 30 of his men into a collision with all the sorcerers of the Upper world. So, he continued to think, looking at the colossal structure on the horizon. Now his men were getting worried as well.

- The captain has been watching the horizon with all his attention since we docked.

- That's right, he doesn't sit with us, he doesn't eat or drink, he doesn't even talk.

- Usually, before each mission, he would be the most active among us.

- I'm getting worried.

- It's all right, Arthur said. Mind your own business.

Arthur was Torck's right-hand man, and he had great respect for his leader. He was aware that this mission exerted an unusual pressure on Torck. He was trying to help his leader as much as possible by trying not to create the slightest tension in the team. The Hammer Team listens to Arthur's words as much as they listen to Torck. They had a much different bond with Torck over the years. Arthur was powerful, just like Torck, but Torck led the team because he was prudent. Arthur, on the other hand, was having trouble controlling his anger. He had quarreled with Torck many times over these outbursts of rage.

For this reason, Arthur was afraid of not being able to pass the simulation, which is one of the main conditions for this mission. But here he was on this ship, next to Torck. And he would do everything in his power to achieve this mission, which is very important for his leader.

Finally, Torck began to tell his soldiers about the plan he considered the most risk-free among them. One of the five groups he had separated before setting out would protect the ship, and they would continue to feed the concealing spell. The last thing Torck would want is the vessel to be noticed by the enemy while they were sneaking in. They would try to stay as close as possible when they got in. Being a big group would make it easier for them to be noticed, but the loss would be much more significant if they went around separately. Torck was working results-oriented. Only Torck and Arthur knew what the thing that Heart Crusher wanted them to steal looked like. If the groups had to be separated, they would first be separated under these two leaders. Then if they had to be separated again, the leaders would give information and responsibility to someone they thought could take over this mission from the group. The division would continue in this way. Of course, this was something they didn't want.

As for how to sneak in, this was the matter on which Torck thought the most. He had a lot of elemental masters on his team. But this wasn't a job for just anyone. To sneak the whole group inside by turning them into an element, ensuring the sorcerers inside will not notice the element they just formed, and turning each team member properly back to their old forms. In addition, the right choice of elements was also important. For example, the first element that came to mind was air. It could pass through even the slightest gap. But although it was invisible, the presence of air was quite perceptible, especially if all 25 men were to be turned into the air and put inside, a severe airflow would form inside, and the sorcerers would definitely suspect it. They also cannot camouflage the presence of air. No one on his team was adept at using the concealing spell on beings other than himself. Those with some knowledge were staying outside to protect the ship. Similar things were valid for water. If they were to leak inside drop by drop, a water pond would form, alerting the sorcerers inside. Torck's eyes shifted to Ari.

Although she was very young, she was a very talented warlock. Since the war began, many valuable warlocks have come out of her family. Her parents had also always played essential roles in significant collisions. When Ari was a young child, her mother was taken captive by sorcerers, and she never heard from her again. Thanks to her childhood hatred and her father's high-quality education, she became a strong sand element master at a young age and was able to enter the Hammer Team, the best pioneer unit of the warlock army. She had an aggressive attacking style. She was brilliant. She would fight tactically, make powerful attacks and seriously defeat her enemies. She could use everything around her to attack. Even on the ocean's shore, she would be the dominant side in the attack. And in the desert, she would not leave such a thing as the opposite side. She would destroy it.

Although she had a very aggressive style, Ari could be useful for this sneak-in mission. She would turn the men into grains of sand first, and she could get them in through any gap. Having regained their former form, the warlocks could immediately apply a cloaking spell and hide their presence. Getting 25 guys in one by one might take a long time, but it was the best way. Also, after a spell that requires such a contraction and energy, Ari wouldn't be able to hang on. She would need to stay on the ship and rest. For that, Torc has put one of his men that he chose to remain on the ship, which was partially good at the cloaking spell, on the sneak-in team instead of Ari. It was also good that someone with high offensive capabilities would remain on the vessel. In case of a possible detection, Ari would protect the ship at all costs.

And the exit plan was quite simple. It's what the Hammer Team has always done so far, hit and run. When they struck, they would cause such destruction that even if they were outnumbered on their way back, it would not matter to them. Powerful explosives were to be placed at various points and tricks of the building while searching for the object. They would take the item and detonate the main entrance of the building first and activate the other bombs they hid when everyone got on the ship. And so they were going to say goodbye to the Upper world with a farewell party befitting the Hammer Team.