Professor's experiments

At the professor's request, this time, they were going to use a different method instead of directly destroying the target. The professor had spent his life trying to understand warlocks. He had not devoted his life to it only because of his eternal hatred of the warlock community. Nevertheless, the professor could not restrain his curiosity. He had repeatedly dragged dozens of innocent people to painful deaths to understand some simple things. Although Olen did not find the professor's methods appropriate, he cooperated because he had been approved by the administrators. He wanted to feel what the professor was doing in that laboratory at any moment. Olen cared a lot about decency. He thought that a sorcerer should be elegant. Despite this, he could ignore a choice that lacked character, such as the professor's wand being made from a warlock's horn. According to Olen, personal principles should be set aside in events involving society. And cooperation should be made with whoever has the power if they want the favor of the decisive majority.

The professor's plan consisted of three stages. His goal was to observe how warlocks react under certain circumstances. The first group was relatively powerless, captive, and criminal sorcerers. There was also a prison section above the laboratory where some low/medium-level criminals were kept. They promised these sorcerers that if they defeated this group of warlocks, they would get their freedom back. But none of them would ever come back. Olen already knew that. Usually, no one would have allowed the professor to treat sorcerers like warlocks, but these criminals had betrayed the Upper world in various ways. Olen only considered the loyal people of the sorcerer society valuable. The others were worthless creatures who couldn't manage to use their capacities. The professor's goal with this first powerless group was to observe the warlock's reactions to a moment of comfort. According to Olen, it was a ridiculous idea. He could already watch such situations on the battlefield at any time.

On the other hand, the professor thought that the warlocks might react differently to this bait group than usual because they were very worn out psychologically after seeing the lab. Still, Olen found it absurd. Although he was a long-distance warrior, he had experienced how fierce the warlocks were in close combat and how they fed on hatred. In other words, he was eliminating the possibility of a surprise attack that could be effective by sending a vulnerable group first. It was ridiculous that someone like the professor could not foresee this. However, Olen didn't interfere. As long as he was here, it was already impossible for any warlock to escape from the base.

-Everybody is on alert! Everybody be on your guard!

The Hammer Team, who had been searching for the object in a scattered way, had started to gather around their leader Torck at his call. Footsteps could be heard approaching the laboratory at a fast pace. They knew they were here. If they had found this object, they would have made a big attack and escaped without dealing with the concealment magic. It seemed calm out there, but if the sorcerers knew they were here, it wouldn't be long before they found the ship. Ari should be awake by now, but she alone couldn't keep the sorcerers busy for too long. They must find the object immediately. Torck put his men, better at getting the job done quietly and quickly, near the door and ordered the others to keep searching for the object without getting too scattered until a second order. Everyone had to continue practicing the concealment magic. In this silence, the opening of the laboratory's password felt like a thunderous sound. As can be heard from the footsteps, there were about ten of them. They didn't look like they had any work in the lab. It was apparent that they came here looking for them. They scattered. This was good for the members of the Hammer Team who were hiding near the door. Thanks to this, they could do the job much more quietly. As can be seen from the fact that they were walking around the laboratory without a particular route, they were strangers here, just like the Hammer Team. In fact, they were following such a ridiculous path that five sorcerers suddenly found themselves in some corridors blocked with various tools. After wandering around for a few minutes, some were stabbed, some were paralyzed by a spell, and some were strangled and killed by the warlocks who followed them. It was strange that sorcerers sent such a small and inexperienced group to check the area out. They were obviously sent as bait.

Torck wondered if they knew someone was infiltrating, but they were sending an appeal to find out who the infiltrators were. If so, they were trying in vain. The Hammer Team was specially trained for this mission. If they could convince the sorcerers that they were a team that they actually weren't, they could then stun the enemy with their large attack capacity. Suddenly, Torck had a little bit of hope in him. Maybe they still had a chance to get out without losses. While thinking about that, he received reports from his men that the remaining sorcerers had also been killed. Good, they didn't reveal their numbers or identities. When the sorcerers realized that the men they had sent had not returned, they would return more seriously, but for now, they had bought a little more time to find the curse. They've already scanned about 85% of the lab.

-So, what have you got now?

-Are you sure it's the Hammer Team?

Olen looked at the professor's disappointed face with a stern expression. Was he questioning his talent, this crazy guy? Olen didn't even bother to answer. The professor also noticed the absurdity of his question and turned his face away. He didn't understand. He had expected a crazy, mindless, utterly emotion-based reaction from the Hammer Team. If Olen hadn't told him what happened, he would have thought that the group had died suddenly. It wasn't a job for warlocks to behave with such composure, especially the Hammer Team. The professor, who had just been disappointed, was now beginning to fidget again. He had found himself a new subject to investigate.

-Send the second team

At this order of the professor, Olen sighed. He was impatient. This job was getting unnecessarily long. And it wasn't really essential to understand what the Hammer Team was up to. The professor's plan was useless, and Olen's tracking of the Hammer Team was not getting them anywhere. No member lingered too long in one place and did not allow himself to be distracted. Now they had to have a specific description of what they were looking for that they were moving forward so confidently. Their rate of progress had also increased. "What happened to me?" Olen thought for a moment. Who cares what they're looking for? Let's just finish them off right now. But his main task was to collect information. The risk taken by the Lower world was significant, and understanding what they were up to was of great importance for the future of the Upper world. Then he sensed something strange in the movements of one of the infiltrators. He was nailed right where he stood. Did he find what they were looking for? Olen got out of his thoughts and focused on his warlock scum.

Arthur was flabbergasted; he was pinned down without any reaction. He had goosebumps, and he was shaking a lot. He thought he would never be surprised again after everything he had seen, but he was greatly mistaken. The concept of a child had changed with his newborn nephew, and he couldn't look into children's eyes again after precisely 15 years ago. He repeatedly felt the anguish caused by his nephew being kidnapped by sorcerers. With trembling hands, he threw a punch with his last strength at the capsule in front of him. Two or three of the glasses, broken into thousands of pieces, were stuck in his hands, and the blood flowing from his wrists was mixed with the toxic liquid that gushed out on him when the capsule broke. Arthur's ears were shaking at the sound of the alarm attached to the capsule. "What the fuck is going on?" shouted Olen.

I thought these bastards were undercover. "What is it?" asked the professor.

Olen said, "Stealth is over. I'm putting an end to it now!" to the soldiers under his command.

-Take immediate action, position the third and fourth troops at the exits. They have a ship they're trying to conceal about 30 meters in front of the gate. Blow it up immediately. But don't get too close. It won't do us any good. As far as I can tell, they left their most powerful men to protect the ship. So there's no need for casualties. Use the sorcery cannons. The professor shouted, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Olen? I have been given unlimited authority and power. I can do any experiment I want, the way I want. Stop this nonsense immediately, or the consequences will be heavier for you than you think!"

Olen slowly approached the professor and whispered, "If you threaten me again, I will take your wand away and throw you in front of the warlocks. Our superiors will like it if you die altruistically". After a short smile, the professor said, "You're smart, that's why I like working with you. But you are impulsive, you act without thinking, and because of this, you will die". Olen was slightly startled because, no matter how crazy the professor was, there was experience and knowledge behind what he said. Olen would realize in a few minutes that it didn't make much sense to send soldiers to Hammer Team with such an aggressive attitude.