Gaiya the Spirit warlock

Despite everything, Gaiya was a weak person. she was a 25-year-old girl trying to improve herself in healing magic. Her goal was to become a doctor. At least Ozmar thought so. Gaiya was born in the city of Limen and grew up there. Her mother and father were fishermen. Her grandfather had taught her father, and her father had taught her mother how to be a good fisherman. This family, who have been fishing for decades, realized too late that they needed more money for Gaiya to go to the Academy of healing magic. When Gaiya was given a few simple potion bottles, a spell archive, a healing history, a heart sense (a stone that serves to listen to the heart), and a mini golem, they lost all the money they had saved for their daughter's school. Her father was not a good mathematician. He didn't understand economics either. He was just a simple man who made money and bought things with that money. He was an old man with calluses on his hands from years of fishing, old hair, and white softened horns. All he wanted was for his daughter to be better than him. When her father realized that the money they had could not afford more, he went to meet with the director of the Limen healing academy. After telling the secretary, who he thought was the principal, how successful his daughter was at school, that she had been helping her family and working for years, and that she was very kind-hearted, he was kicked out. All he wanted was a little help.

Normally, the ministry of magic administration had a charity fund for such situations. But this charitable fund was going to the insatiable relatives of bureaucrats. Girls like Gaiya, who was hardworking and intelligent, but had no money, were left behind. At the end of the day, her father returned home crying. It wasn't that he was battered or couldn't find help for his daughter that upset him. The main thing that upset him was that his pride hurt. He worked with honor for many years. He raised a beautiful and kind-hearted girl. And in return for all this, the world's justice threw him into a corner like a worthless insect. He closed his eyes to his ideals, his dreams. He was just a simple bug. On that day, he and his whole family with him discovered where they were in the eyes of this cruel world. Two days later, Gaiya still hadn't left her room. She was eating dinner in her room, which was never possible for her family. Her father had strict rules, and meals were always eaten together at home. But in this exceptional case, Gaiya had lost her dreams, and her family had lost their hopes. Gaiya was crying in her room. Her eyes had grown like the eyes of a sorcerer. Because she punched the wall so often, her hands were covered in blood. It was as if her anger would melt mountains. She was shouting. This anger was neither at the Academy, her poor family, nor her unfortunate fortune. She was angry that she was no different from a helpless insect crushed under the rules created even before she was born. She was born as an insect but would not die as one. She would come to a better place by rising through the ranks of the world she was oppressed by.

She thought about it for a while and started asking herself questions. Did she want to be strong? being strong, it was very difficult to look for logic in the foggy curtain of her anger. But she realized that she did not want to be strong. If the world was hers, would it change anything? that was impossible. Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in her head." If I can't change this world, then I'll change the other world," she said. She was holding the book about forbidden healing magic she had taken from the library. She couldn't remember the last time she had looked at this book, but if there was one thing she remembered very clearly, it was that the begging spell to the spirit keeper was forbidden. In the past, people used to call on the spirit keeper to resurrect people who were about to die through certain spells. In return, they would lose what is known in the book as the great sacrifice. Of course, no one knew what it was. It was strictly forbidden to cast such a spell, and the punishment was definitely death. Gaiya knew this well. She couldn't cast such magic without knowing what she would lose for the sake of a ridiculous dream. She gave it some thought and gave up.

A few weeks later, Gaiya was spending her days fishing with her family. The Academy was now inaccessible to her. She didn't mind it so much. At any rate, she was happier. One day she went fishing with her father and mother. They had to fish more that day than on other days because they had an agreement with a restaurant. Since they had spent almost all their savings on Gaiya's equipment, they needed a lot more money. For this reason, they were working even on this day, which she thought was the most severe storm this year.

Gaiya usually stayed home in such weather, her father couldn't stand wearing out his delicate daughter. But this time, her father didn't feel sorry for her, probably because he had lost all his savings for nothing. So, in this icy weather, he, his daughter, and his wife went to sea together.

-I'm setting the sails, Daddy.

-Don't do that! Are you stupid? We are going to sail in stormy weather? Are you trying to screw us up?

-I'm sorry. I-I didn't know.

Gaiya started crying. Her father had never insulted her like that before. On top of all the disappointments, getting a scolding from her father in such weather was the last straw that had been accumulating for days.

-Everything is because of you! I am not a fisherman who would work on such a boat! I'm supposed to be a healer. We're still fishing because of your ridiculous family traditions. Whereas my uncle offered you a job to work together, and you continued fishing because of your stupid customs.

When her father heard these heavy words, he wanted to cry, but he didn't even dare to do it. All he wanted at that moment was to disappear. He wanted to die. Maybe he was praying to God inwardly. Nothing had hurt him as much as these words he had heard from his own daughter.

And at this point, as if God had listened to what he said…

A giant wave hit the ship. And her father fell from the deck into the sea. In this storm and on the moving boat, that meant death.