Heart Crusher

The Upper world has always been more peaceful than the Lower world. Here, unlike warlocks, people solve their issues in assemblies through long meetings. This situation provides them with a better economy and a more comfortable life in the long run. The most important privileges that these brought were technological breakthroughs at a level that could compete with those of warlocks, although warlocks lived 50 years longer than sorcerers. A warlock lives for about 150 years, while the average life of a sorcerer is about 100 years. Of course, this was before the war. No one can predict how long children who grow up in the dust of endless war will live. Some children were killed, some were taken captive, and others were taken to the blood rituals for Heart crusher's blood magic. Although this seems cruel, because of Heart crusher's position in the world of magic, his actions were easily tolerated, and the kidnapped children were from the world of sorcery. Some even rejoiced when they lost a family member in the war. This was certainly not an excuse, but it was one of the reasons for the blood rituals being performed.

Heart crusher, the most crucial factor in getting this title was because he tore out the hearts of sorcerer children during the rituals and also because he killed his enemies using their blood, often tearing their hearts apart. Despite the dozens of changes brought over the years, the ritual ranks of Heart crusher have never changed. Every year, he personally came to the Upper world and gathered children between the ages of seven and fifteen. The Twenty Holy Sorcerers, who quickly understood that one of the Ten Greats had come to their world, went there with another one of the Twenty Holy Sorcerers and reinforcements as soon as possible and strictly warned all the houses in the area not to go out. And they gave advice to parents that if they were attacked by Heart crusher, they should not fight him but let him take the child he wanted. In fact, when you think about it, it is easy to understand how logical this is. If they give the child, the Heart crusher will never harm the family. There are examples of this in history. No matter how cruel he was, he would never allow himself or one of his men to touch a family whose child had been taken.

(The Holy Twenty Sorcerers are similar to the Ten Great Warlocks in the Lower world. Sorcerers gather the most powerful and wise among them in an assembly to take precautions for any danger that may occur against their world)

Once a father who had delivered the child of his own accord cursed Heart crusher and several of his men just before they left his house. Then one of Heart crusher's men punched the boy's father. The man, whose nose was bleeding, fell to the ground. He was crying in the face of his helplessness and lamenting from within why the sorcerers didn't help him. Heart crusher said how despicable it was to punch a father who delivered his son of his own accord and told his henchman to reach out his hand. Blood was flowing from the man's hand. Heart crusher lifted his hand by controlling the blood, made the blood straight like a thin wire, and then suddenly lowered it to the arm the man punched with. After a few seconds of bewilderment, a bitter scream burst out. And since that day, no one has seen Heart crusher touch a parent who delivered his child with his own hands. Although the Upper world was militarily cautious, its people were just as reckless. There were severe consequences that this brought to them. Of course, they heard about the families who lost their children but ignored the precautions, saying that it wouldn't happen to them. They offered some wine and cheese to the soldiers, who said it was forbidden to leave the house and demanded they protect themselves as a priority in any situation. Although this seemed like a logical move when the number of families who proposed to the soldiers was not one or two but dozens, the only thing left was some drunk sorcerers. Of course, as soon as their commanders realized this situation, they tried to keep the soldiers in line by giving severe punishments and telling them about the seriousness of the case, but these efforts were in vain. Because the soldiers relied on the comfort of having one of the Twenty Holy Sorcerers with them. Even with one of the Twenty Holy Sorcerers, it didn't mean they were safe from Heart crusher.

The glorious entrance of warlocks into their world with small groups at a level that cannot even be called a union was first confronted by the spear-shield union, trying to suppress the incoming union with blue light filters coming out of their spears. In contrast, another group used sorcery mirrors that sent pencil-sized pointed pieces of ice to the warlocks from their giant towers. These mirrors could use any element or energy, but to use them, the person using the mirror also had to know this sorcery. Finally, another unit was waiting with giant ponds, archer troops, and wolf riders to meet Heart crusher on the ground. Golems were perfect for Heart crusher, at least the sorcerers thought. In any case, the sorcerers were prepared for the next attack of the Heart crusher.