
[office[ 12pm]]

'I spent all night looking for these cases yet-... I come up completely empty handed' I stared at my computer screen intensely  while countless ideas run around in my mind.

The room was a mess pages all over the floor and along the walls almost like a cartoon but I find it somewhat efficient. 

*knock knock*

"Come in," I responded, my voice sounding very weak from lack of sleep.

Officer jean walks through the door.

"Sir, I was instructed to escort you to the victims parents."

'right... I have to tell the parents about their loss chances are they already knew but-' 

"I'll be right there" I got up from my seat.

'I need to get information on the victim either way'

[victims house[1pm]]

"this is it" I indicated at the yellow house coming up. 

The whole village looked like it was made out of plastic. 

I came out of the  car and walked up to the door

'ok... just like you do every murder case' I knock on the door and heard a muffled voice behind it.

"coming!" is all I could make out of it.

The door opened and I saw a worried mother and a 3 year old kid who seemed unaware of what's happening.

"May I come in?" I showed her my badge indicating that I'm with the police.

she nodded and let me in and what I found inside was stunning.

alot of very important looking wares and books neatly stacked around the room with a golden yellow as their color of choice  for almost every furniture.

"How may I help you?" the mother  asked, knocking me out of my daze.

"uh yeah-" 

"You might want to sit down for this one," I told her, grabbing  a seat of my own.

The mother also sat down and looked at me nervously.

"so... about your daughter-" I started 

"yes??" the mother was suddenly very attentive.

"she...died yesterday"  I braced for the mother to be broken down in tears  and as I expected she did just that.

tears formed in her eyes and she could believe what she's hearing.

"this is sudden... who such a thing." the mother said between her tears holding the child who is oblivious to what's happening.

"I assure you we will find the killer, I just need you to cooperate." I pulled out my notepad.

she nodded and I started to question.

"so.. does your daughter associate with any shady characters?" I ask you to write the question down.

"no- at least  I don't think so.. she was always a kind and smart girl." she explained 

I wrote down her response  but left out the last part because that's how all parents describe their child.

"do you know about her boyfriend/girlfriend and exes

.. like names, last names,interests?" 

she nods "I know about them she introduced them to me"

"May I have their names?" I got ready to write their names down.

"Michael Josephs, James Henry and Toby Brown." I wrote the names down.

"ok that would be all have a good day" I got up putting my hat back on my head and started to leave.

When I was half way through the yard I heard a voice calling me back.

I turned to see the mother at the door.

"please...find this person." she basically cried out.

I tipped my hat to her and l walked off

"Are you ready to go sir?" Jean asked me as I approached. 

"yeah I am."  I got in the car and placed all my stuff on the chair next to me.

"So where too now?"

"to my sister's "