A new perspective

"Hey Micheal you got those papers yet?" Michael's boss peered over Micheal's stall.

We saw a guy with grey hair and brown eyes typing frantically on his computer to finish the paper.

"no sir but I did get a story today." Micheal turned the pc for him to see.

"the rising prices of oil and other products-... Micheal no one will read this crap."

Micheal turned his pc back to him

"but it's something people should be aware of." Micheal protested but was cut off by his boss cuts him off.

"who cares we need something interesting like a murder or an accident." he rambles on "make something up if you have too!"

"But that goes against everything a newspaper company stands for!" Micheal continued immediately shutting up when his boss stared at him.

"I didnt ask for all that bullshit you got until the end of next week to give me an interesting story or your fired!"

he didnt let Micheal speak another word before walking away.

"an interesting story-...."


Micheal started to walk home from work as he normally does in his daily routine.

'where will I find an interesting story in a week??' he thought to himself scratching his head.

"like I can make anything happen out of thin air." he started ranting "although... he did say I can make up stuff-..... No! I cant it have to be the truth and full of proof!"

when he finally got to his apartment he felt around his pockets and realised he dont have the key on him.

"...when I thought things couldn't get any worse" he started turning the knob and knocking on the door hoping his roommate his home.

No one responded so he sat by the door for what seems like hours waiting.


"Another all nighter sir?" I heard a voice over me to see it was jean with papers from the office.

"yeah i really got to get these done." I rubbed my eyes.

it was 12 in the morning and everyone was gone it was just me jean and the security guard.

"I can stay and help you if you want sir." jean placed the papers on my desk.

"I'd really appreciate that." I smiled at jean showing my appreciation it looked like she was kind of nervous? I don't remember I was too tired.

[the next day]

[10 in the morning[office]

I look at the files once more to see if I could find something but no new information was found it felt I was constantly running into a dead end But then it hit me. I scrambled under my desk for my note book and started to frantically flip through the pages.

'found it!' I thought to myself the names of the boys who had some relationship with the victim.

"assuming she told me the names in order"

I quickly searched for a folder on her exs.

"her first ex should be toby brown" I said to myself getting my coat and hat from the hook by my door to quickly leave.

When I started to leave jean and I crossed paths, "hello sir naoto where are you going?" she looked at me with curiousity.

"I'm heading to inspect a suspect!" i said leaving the building not hearing what else she said after that.


On the drive over I was stuck in traffic so I used the time to start reading his information

Toby Brown

age: 17

crimes: attempted murder, stealing and littering

exs: 1

boyfriend/girlfriend: 0

school: fieona university

dead: no

cause of death: none

"seems like he isnt much of a good guy." I said as I was reading.

"and he goes to the same school as well.."

I kept analyzing the file until I heard a honk behind me snapping my focus.

I look up to see the road was clear so I continued driving.


I knocked on the door and the father for the boy answers.

"can I help you?" he asked he looked very intimidating he was bald and around 6'5

and I'm 5'8 so that's pretty tall in comparison.

"uh I'm here to have a word with your son." I responded trying not to look intimidated.

He didnt say a word he just opened the door and walked inside calling for Toby.

"Toby!! what is God's name have you done now?!!" his deep voice echoed through out the room it felt like it was shaking.

I walked inside and sat down the place was a mess rum was spilled on the white carpets the paint on the walls needed to be done over, patches of cement were showing and their fridge looked like it went through hell and back even the chair I sat on felt unsanitary.

Soon enough the man came back down "he wouldn't leave his room so you'll have to see him." he told me

I nodded and head straight to his room

"hey there.. toby is it?"

he was lying on his bed playing with his phone.

"we need to talk."