"So..... what's his story?" Jean walked up to me watching over an interrogation  from a one sided window.

The kid we found was being interrogated by a lower rank officer.

"apparently  his name is Jeffery Brown found him at a murder scene  ..dont know if he's the killer or just a victim/witness." 

I said not breaking eye contact for a second.

"You seriously think a child could kill a buff man?" 

Jean joked.

"Could never be too sure." 

So far the entire interrogation  seemed one sided with the police officer doing most of the talking.

The kid seemed like the quiet type but...

"Anyways sir- I'm here to give you these ..Damian sent them." 

She hands me the paper on the four kids and their parents.

I nodded and she left on her way.

Looking through the papers I saw info on the father of Brandon soul.

 He was addicted to  drugs of all kinds and was later arrested for consuming and purchasing illegal  drugs. Apparently he's rotting in jail leaving the mother to take care of brandon.

She had an addiction to rum and other alcoholic beverages. 

"Poor kid." I said flipping through the pages to see information on the rest of the kids.

Brandon soul

No crimes 

no exs or current relationship 

school recorded: Lincoln high

He's close relatives with Jin Hana, the victim of the case I'm trying to solve...

Cousins in fact.

I kept looking through the pages of James Henry.... Why does that name sound familiar?

"Michael Josephs, James Henry and Toby Brown."  The names of the victims' ex boyfriends played in my mind.

I kept reading the papers.

He was charged   for trespassing  on the soul's residence..

Along with the other boys they were charged for the same thing.

"boss?" the police officer came out from the interrogation room.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"Not good. He isn't saying anything and when he does speak it sounds like the truth are you sure he's the one?" 

"let me talk to him..." I walked into the room  leaving the  door open behind me and had a seat in front of the boy.

He was looking down at his feet the whole time not wanting to make eye contact at all.

"Look kid if you cooperate with us here... we can help you." 

He looked up at me.

"That line only works on people that don't know anything about the law.... I know you can't do crap for me when the judge decides what to do with me."  His voice was low and sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

I could already tell talking to this kid is gonna be rough, much less getting anything out of me.

"Look kid, if you're innocent  then there's nothing to be afraid about." 

I tried to comfort him so he could tell me everything but even that wasn't working.

"I am innocent. But even innocent people gets punished in this twisted system." He slowly began to speak more and more.

"You mean if I'm the textbook  definition of innocent. What if  I'm put in a situation where I'm forced to kill somebody where I'm forced to kill the law, is that still innocent? trying to live?"

I snapped my fingers and then he stopped. 

"Gotcha-" I pointed outside to the cops that heard everything in the room.

"Now you could tell me the situation..... or you could end it off here  where you'd immediately be found guilty." I waited on Jeffrey's answer..

He let out a sigh and he continued.

"I didn't kill that man.." Jeffery started.

"But you just said you were forced to kill, doesn't that mean you've killed before?" I continued the conversation intrigued.

" I have dissociative identity disorder.... that's why I don't have many friends. All it takes is one bad day before they disappear without saying goodbye." 

Jefferys eyes water the droplets landed on his thighs.

"I didn't want to kill him... I didnt want to kill anyone... I was forced to I couldn't."  Jeffery was in tears at this point.

"I went to a therapist  and everything got it all under control.... then..then." 

"Then what?" 

"My brother  d... Toby Brown... I didn't  know what to do - I stopped going to the lessons and I killed a lady. I didn't even know it was all just a mess....."

"Do you remember even doing these killings?" 

I asked, trying to hide the guilty conscience.

"No it's all just a dream till I wake up with blood on my hands...." 

Without saying a word I got up and started to walk out but stopped when Jeffery called out to me.

"Y-you're gonna help me right??" 

I couldn't respond in great certainty  after what he did even if he wasn't the one that did it.

"Hey! you said you'd help me!" 

I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I couldn't hear it but I could imagine Jeffery screaming for his life in there.

I'm sorry....